Posted On: March 20, 2019
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My memories of playing and coaching sports, though fading, feature animated pregame rituals all about team and game. Sure, each player had their own routine. But few experiences compare to the upbeat team banter and…
Posted On: March 3, 2019
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What you see here is indeed a tiny house. For ice fishing, mostly. Similar castles dot Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes by the gazillions for months, and then must disappear by midnight the first Monday in March,…
Posted On: October 5, 2018
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We all see it often: The idiot driving in front of you is all over the map—breaking and swerving, so unnerving. When this happened to me yesterday, my car-model prognosis surmised this person might be…
Posted On: January 23, 2018
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Earlier this month, some powerful Apple shareholders (including teacher retirement funds) raised a stink about the addictive-ness of the iPhone, particularly for youth. Then they went back to their abacuses and high-fived themselves for 1)…
Posted On: February 23, 2016
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Multitasking is a myth. Duh. This we now know for a real, true fact, thanks to an onslaught of studies that inspired a barrage of media. Nonetheless, you can’t step outside of your mudroom without…
Posted On: August 13, 2014
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I recently returned from my annual two-week retreat to Lake Okoboji, a favorite (and sometimes decadent) hideaway since childhood. This journey included a high-school reunion, a family reunion, and a dreamy wedding on a farm: …
Posted On: March 2, 2012
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Once upon a time, people grew their own food and played in the sunshine and sat around talkin’ story. Nowadays, most of us choose instead to stare at screens and tap on plastics and text…
Posted On: January 12, 2012
Comments: No Responses
A few days ago, Apple inspired me. Not in the usual way—with fresh innovation that changes the world—but a with an indifference and boorishness that makes Burger King charming. Now that Steve Jobs has gone…
Posted On: February 18, 2011
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The news about 3D becoming commonplace is making the world all agog—and a-goggle. Soon, even mobile digitalia images will jump off the screen.
Nintendo’s handheld 3D game arrives next month. Sharp’s 3D smart phone shows…
Posted On: November 22, 2010
Comments: One Response
Happy birthday to Me. Yep, it’s arrived: The Big 5-Oh.
Now there’s a number that screams for extreme measures. So I made a list of, oh, 50 things I might do to commemorate, celebrate, and…