Posted On: November 20, 2009
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photo by Kirk Horsted
Does your mood go down when your floor gets piled up with stuff? Does your mind close when opening your closets reveals overabundance? Have you found that paper and possessions grow…
Posted On: November 11, 2009
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photo by Kirk Horsted
A BreakAway is a spiritual thing. A BreakAway brings on introspection—whether the pause is 10 minutes of meditation or 10 months in the Mediterranean. It’s an opportunity to come face to…
Posted On: October 20, 2009
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photo by Kirk Horsted
We are not alone. Word is getting ‘round! In “Burned Out? Take a Creative Sabbatical,”’s founder, Gina Trapani, preaches about the importance of down time for’s readers. After all,…
Posted On: August 16, 2009
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Remember the 40-hour workweek? Seems that’s gone the way of the 5-cent cigar. It’s no wonder businesspeople burn out, become coffee addicts, and need anti-depressants.
On one hand, America’s work ethic is something to be…
Posted On: July 25, 2009
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Now here’s a sweet treatise sure to send you to your hammock to contemplate the perfection of pointlessness. In a world of crazybusy, internet buzz, and self-importance, Mr. Young’s revelations ring true for this summer-centered…
Posted On: July 9, 2009
Comments: 2 Responses
One of the best benefits of our 69-day BreakAway was that it forced my family into a less digi-centric lifestyle. And with fresh stimuli and waves surrounding us, nobody seemed to mind. In fact, they…
Posted On: July 3, 2009
Comments: One Response
Yuck. While some of us rant about taking sabbaticals, the average American Joe doesn’t even get vacation or sick time. It’s bleak. And the stats are humbling. 3 months off? Some folks pine for 3…
Posted On: July 2, 2009
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Check out this funny, smart WashPost column that dares to ask: Am I busy? Or am I lazy? Why, exactly, don’t I get those new eyeglasses, pay that insurance bill, and master my iPod?
Posted On: June 12, 2009
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I may be topping off a glass that’s not even half-full. But buried in this dreary personal wealth story are some—okay, a few—signs that Americans are learning fast during this disastrous downturn. Can compulsive spenders…
Posted On: May 3, 2009
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Financial writer Kara McGuire hits “Pay Dirt” (her column name) with this article, “Put a Squeeze on your Financial Stress.” We hear same-old suggestions a lot, but here Paymar seeks fresh ideas from a three…