Posted On: October 16, 2012
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Oh geez. This year’s career-break summit, Meet, Plan, Go! is just a few short hours away. As the MSP resident expert on prepping, I better start…prepping!
I think I’ll start by making an acrostic with…
Posted On: October 11, 2012
Comments: 2 Responses
One night next week, the travel gurus at Meet, Plan, Go Minneapolis will have me serve as an Expert in “Prepping to Leave.”
Ish! I mean, that’s often the hardest part of a career break.…
Posted On: September 18, 2012
Comments: 2 Responses
In less than a month, the nationwide career break meetup called Meet, Plan, Go! will take place—for the third year in a row. If you have ever—EVER!—pondered the wild and radiant notion of taking a…
Posted On: February 18, 2012
Comments: No Responses
Chest pain. All new. Not good. So on Wednesday, when it hadn’t stopped for three days and the pain scale hit 6 on the 10 scale, I called McHealth. They insisted I go straight to…
Posted On: February 16, 2012
Comments: No Responses
Go to NOLA and become a world-class freeze-mime for tips on Bourbon Street. Like she did —–>
As Kempt suggests, when out with buddies, stack your phones on the table; the first one to grab…
Posted On: January 26, 2012
Comments: 5 Responses
Survey sez: 52% of the happiness we derive from travel is experienced before we even arrive at our destination.*
If that’s true, then why not always have a getaway in the planning stages just to…
Posted On: January 21, 2012
Comments: No Responses
If the career-break movement really ever does catch wildfire, some of us will get so rich that we go on perma-break, right? Until then, the people provide a rich enough payoff. Like meeting Sherry Ott,…
Posted On: November 11, 2011
Comments: No Responses
Our local paper (remember those?) ran a story recently about a young man named Taylor Baldry who sets up a proper table near a popular walking path, and invites passersby to stop for a Free…
Posted On: October 21, 2011
Comments: 2 Responses
For the second year in a row, travel-lovers convened in 17 cities to confab about career breaks at MeetPlanGo. In MSP, I was annointed chief host and bartop-washer, and was again humbled by our attentive…
Posted On: October 14, 2011
Comments: One Response
When Julie DuRose speaks at our panel of five at Meet, Plan, Go MSP next Tuesday (10-18-11), you can expect stories of escaping academia, exotic foods, and solo travel. As a women. In outlandish lands. …