Posted On: May 5, 2010
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Sometimes the schedule gets hectic. The car becomes a second home. Then the house gets messi(er). The sleep turns fitful. And healthful rituals like exercise, eating well, and chilling out go to pot. Sometimes that’s…
Posted On: March 14, 2010
Comments: One Response
Robyn Waters has done it all—and she’s not done yet! That’s why this month she’s off to Spain and Morocco. But not until she’s made a speech at a major New York design show. Taken…
Posted On: January 3, 2010
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When you gather up your gumption and step off the Reality Train, expect impressions and mindshifts to happen–especially if you’re returning to an idyllic place that’s been home before. Comparisons of “here vs there” are…
Posted On: December 22, 2009
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Good news: Author Dan Pink has a new book coming out on 12-29-09. Better news: He’s taking an interest in Sabbaticals! That gave me courage enough to invite him to visit BreakAway, and he kindly…
Posted On: October 20, 2009
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photo by Kirk Horsted
We are not alone. Word is getting ‘round! In “Burned Out? Take a Creative Sabbatical,”’s founder, Gina Trapani, preaches about the importance of down time for’s readers. After all,…
Posted On: October 9, 2009
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photo by Kirk Horsted
As we continue to delve deeper into the seasonal duties of fall, we might want to make sure we don’t fall too far! Routine can be great; it’s how things get…
Posted On: September 29, 2009
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photo by Kirk Horsted
In our last BreakAway BreakThrough post, we went back to school. Awwww!?! Now that THAT routine is running as smoothly as a champion football team, here are some ways to escape…
Posted On: September 2, 2009
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After years of being a media maven—and making millions in the process— founder Laurel Touby is going on Sabbatical. Her husband, Businessweek media columnist Jon Fine, will join her—and they plan to blog their…
Posted On: August 25, 2009
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Sabbatical Soulmates, we call them. In this case, Wayne and Megan Davies, a Calgary couple, and their two kids ditched big-city life to escape to Costa Rica for a year. Their insights are familiar, yet…
Posted On: August 14, 2009
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Date night means different things to different couples, but it need not (always) mean the same old supper club, cinema, or barstool. If you’ve got a partner—or a favorite friend—make the occasional rendezvous remarkable by…