Posted On: August 23, 2016
Comments: 12 Responses
Meet Scott, proudly representing my so many friends. Scott’s a BFF since 2nd grade, growing up in Soo Siddy and beyond, who spent the last few days prepping (and partying) with me at home on…
Posted On: August 15, 2016
Comments: 2 Responses
Today, (August 15) is National Relaxation Day. I hope this doesn’t mean we can only relax one day per year!
It’s been a great summer. Is there any other kind? Never mind that this blogger…
Posted On: May 2, 2016
Comments: No Responses
The passing of Prince was sad in so many ways. But one sentiment I’ve heard over and over that hits hardest: Regret. One friend shared, “After seeing Purple Rain in 1984, I was so inspired…
Posted On: July 30, 2015
Comments: No Responses
Well, hi there!
Last time we gathered, the topic du jour (which became flavor of the month) was the notion of over-booking summer activities for kids. I defended it, and now that summer is two-thirds…
Posted On: February 13, 2015
Comments: No Responses
We hear much about the 1% thing. In this land of plenty: Dislike. God bless Scandinavia and other successful social-democracy experiments, where people can get rich, but also most everyone enjoys excellent education, employment, healthcare,…
Posted On: November 26, 2014
Comments: No Responses
It’s that time of the year again. On one hand, the tackiest side of America acts out embarrassing rituals of full-contact shopping and materialism. On the other hand, we take time for Thanksgiving—a non-denominational pause…
Posted On: November 13, 2013
Comments: No Responses
Like many of us, my lists have lists—and my journals have journals. Any more, the “journals” come in myriad forms: notebooks, tablets, folders, docs, and even crumpled Post-its. Atop that proverbial pile sits boxes of…
Posted On: May 1, 2013
Comments: 7 Responses
The unusually cold May-Day skies were crying today—the last day I had the pleasure of teaching at College of Visual Arts (CVA).
After 89 years, this St. Paul arts school on historic Summit Avenue is…
Posted On: November 22, 2010
Comments: One Response
Happy birthday to Me. Yep, it’s arrived: The Big 5-Oh.
Now there’s a number that screams for extreme measures. So I made a list of, oh, 50 things I might do to commemorate, celebrate, and…
Posted On: January 3, 2010
Comments: No Responses
When you gather up your gumption and step off the Reality Train, expect impressions and mindshifts to happen–especially if you’re returning to an idyllic place that’s been home before. Comparisons of “here vs there” are…