Posted On: January 12, 2019
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Start seeing Career Breaks! They’re OUT there, perhaps calling YOUR name. While the interns have been busy digging up these highlights, the first story hardly requires a bevy of underpaid minions—because it’s getting a LOT of online…
Posted On: December 17, 2018
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The interns have been busy again seeking BreakAways in the News. And they got VERY excited by the news that Chance the Rapper is taking a break from his break-neck schedule to study the Bible.…
Posted On: May 3, 2018
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BreakAway themes continue to gain traction in the Real World. Here are some favorites, starting with the seemingly unthinkable idea of tour groups that ban cell phones.
Radical Sabbatical Idea: Hang up and hang out…
Posted On: March 15, 2018
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As everyone knows, this site launched 10 years ago before an historic 4-month island-hopping winter with two kids in tow. Since then, sabbaticals and career breaks in the news have been occasionally chronicled by our…
Posted On: November 18, 2015
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It’s becoming evermore impossible to keep up with the wealth of sabbatical, career break, and related stories floating around the internets and beyond. So let’s leap right in!
My favorite oxymoron: Play date.
(BTW, another…
Posted On: February 18, 2014
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Coworker rarely find themselves discussing career breaks around the water cooler. But they ought to. Because just under the workplace radar, sabbaticals stay in the news—if sometimes in odd iterations. Here are 5 stories, er,…
Posted On: November 8, 2012
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Following Google alerts for “career break” is a pretty uneventful task. There are a few bloggers and advocates that get the occasional mention. But beyond that, the newsmakers are mostly athletes and celebrities. Today, we…
Posted On: February 9, 2012
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Super Bowls, elections, Afghanistan. It’s all Greek to me—compared to the excitement of finding out who’s making news because they’re stepping out on Sabbatical. The inspirations range wildly. But no matter why, we wish all…
Posted On: May 24, 2011
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Thanks to the miracle of Google Alerts, tracking Sabbatical news is a cinch. Or is it? Those incoming info-blips can hit the inbox like a hailstorm—and many supposedly relevant links have nothing to do with…