
I Like ‘Em 2 at a Time

Posted on: Monday, December 22nd, 2008
Posted in: Unplugging, Blog | Leave a comment

Call me crazy. Call me foolish. But I could stare at the sea, sunflakes, and sailboats till bedtime. That’s why I’m here.


Staring at the sea...even better than TV.

Staring at the sea...even better than TV.

And although the digitalia get plenty of action in my posse, the TV has yet to turn on–I’m pleased to say. Yet that’s not the norm. And the attraction and addiction to screens shows no sign of abating…

  • 30 Percentage of in-home online activity that takes place while simultaneously watching TV.
  • Source: Nielsen Media Research

Don’t Poop Where You Text, My Friend

Posted on: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Unplugging, Blog | Leave a comment

OMG.  FYI.  

  • 53 Percentage of working Americans who have been interrupted by a work-related phone call or e-mail while in the bathroom.
  • 23 Percentage who have been interrupted while on a date.
  • 59 Percentage of working Americans who never turn off their mobile device.
  • SOURCE: Nokia

Is this news? Or, as David Letterman would ask, “Is this something?”

No. Because most of us have already been there and done that, or at least seen that.

Yes, because it stinks. Not for Nokia, of course. They are laughing all the way to the bank (and the bathroom). But jeez, is it any wonder people complain about stress? That they grumble about lack of “free time?” I mean, if you offer up yourself to digital interruption when tending to nature’s calls, when won’t you?

If you can’t give unfettered attention to your date, what are the prospects for a long-term understanding, spreading the sheets together, or even a good-night kiss?

“Oh, ‘scuze me, Biff, I’m turned on but, like, so is my phone, and it’s all atwitter right now…”

“I’ll give you a little smooch right after I take this phone call…”

As for the 59% who NEVER turn it off, good luck. The few folks who believe in silence and choice wish you well. Please know, though, that most studies have debunked the notion of “multitasking” as poppycock. Human brains just ain’t wired for it. At this rate, maybe we WILL be in a few thousand years. But by then, cell phones will be so, like, yesterday.

Thanks for listening. Now if you’ll excuse me, please, I have to go the bathroom. OOPS! Almost forgot my i-phone…

Fishermen on Phones

Posted on: Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
Posted in: Unplugging, Blog | Leave a comment

2 fishermen just leisurely floated by, both on cell phones.

Ish! Even guys who fish?

But of course. Often these days while I toil in the office or gardens, I hear some booming male voice drifting over the lake. One response might be, “You tawkin’ to me?” But they never are. They’re usually on their cell phone. 2 dudes in this case. Yapping at someone somewhere else—rather than to each other. Just like teens on a date.

Usually, I’m happy to see guys fishing nearby, even though they sometimes stare and refuse to wave. (My office sits on the shore of a nice fishing hole.) Visiting friends say, “Don’t you get tired of those guys hanging out right there?” I reply,

“Nah, they’re mellow. It’s their Zen—and their lake too.”

Plus, it brings back happy memories of dads and grandpas.

What is fishing if not an exercise in patience, persistence, mystery, and hope? Is it not a mini-Sabbatical? 9 out of 10 fisherpeople say yes!

Could it be a mini-Sabbatical?  A sanity break?

(Never mind that they also say, or should I say yell, into cell, stuff like, “Hey Rich, so what’s goin’ on?” and “How ‘bout them Vikings yesterday?” and “Truck fixed yet?”) Banal stuff, most on-deck cell phone chats, eh?  

The fishing pros who win contests need no cell phones. Depthfinders and fishfinders, sure. But beyond that, going UnPlugged is good. Silence never scares the fish away—no matter what you’re fishing for.

But who am I to judge? We are a nation—nay, a world!—of talkers.

At least they’re out there, making the time to BreakAway and float a bit…