
Santayana Rocks!

Posted on: Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

In the old days, people were allowed to use a lot of commas, and they wrote some pretty cool stuff, especially this dude, who also wrote that bit about history repeating itself, but we’ll not feature that here, as we are not a HISTORY site, but rather, a BREAKAWAY site.  

“A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness; happiness resides in imaginative reflection and judgment, when the picture of one’s life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted.”

Thanks to George Santayana, no relation to Carlos, 1863-1952, Spanish-born philosopher, essayist, and poet.  

Is there any doubt that he practiced silence?  Took Sabbaticals?  Found what he was looking for?  Had a good time?  Wish he were here…


Posted on: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

“Our culture is suffering from an overdose of action and a shortage of contemplation. I consider contemplation a basic need; you even see it in animals. Just think about dogs and cats. You often see them staring off into space. I think that’s their way of meditating, their way of recharging their batteries. We need to have that too. But we deny this basic, psychological need—as if an entire society were to forget to go to the bathroom. That’s serious!”

Piero Ferrucci, Italian psychiatrist, in ODE Magazine, “The Silence Issue,” July/August 2008

I have a lot to say about this idea. But for now, perhaps it’s best if I stay quiet.

Spirituality Soars Even as Church Numbers Descend

Posted on: Monday, November 10th, 2008
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

Now here’s a fascinating article. In short, a recent survey found that young people (15-25) say they are more spiritual than ever:

“93 percent of the young people surveyed believe there is a spiritual aspect to life.”

Spending time in nature” topped the list of responses. “Listening to or playing music” was No. 2, and “helping other people or the community” was third.

“Attending religious services” was ninth on the list of the top 12 most-frequent answers.

Many young people are turning to meditation — so many, in fact, that the Mindfulness Meditation Club at the University of Minnesota soon might be forced to find a bigger space for its weekly introductory yoga classes.”

Why is this makeyourbreakaway site curious? Because a Sabbatical is, at its core, a spiritual Mission. A time of probing and opening and releasing and—most of all—FAITH.

If you don’t have the faith that you can BreakAway someday—and that something profound awaits on your journey—then your odds of getting a Sabbatical plummet.

But if you ride your Faith, it just may lead you to free time, fun, and fantastic experiences (which, for most people, includes desire for time in nature) that you crave. And you can bet your i-Touch you’ll be touched in ways that are (call it what you want) deep and spiritual.

Take your time. And keep the faith.

Guess What: The World is not Flat!

Posted on: Saturday, November 8th, 2008
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle, SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

Well, shiver me timbers! Not only is the world not flat, but this fabulous couple has logged (or should I say “blogged?”) enough travel to know. Try this site—if you need some inspiration, or feel like your get up and go has gotten up and gone.

Know what else is cool? They just do it. They don’t babble about BreakAways, preach about imbalance, or drone on about debt. Oh sure, they’ve got something to sell there. But they’ve got to find some way to fund their next Big Break, eh?

The Pre-Socratic Pythagoreans were wrong! The world is round; no more excuses about staying put cuz you might fall off the face of the earth! Moreover, travelmates are everywhere! We are not alone!

A Sabbatical Is, Above All, Time to Follow Your Heart

Posted on: Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

Uh-oh. Drop me in the shallow waters before I get too deep…

One of my teachers recently prescribed homework, and it included a chapter from the book, A Path with Heart:  A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life, by Buddhist monk Jack Kornfield’s book, A. 

If you are in the mood, please give this passage a read…

“It is possible to speak with your heart directly. Most ancient cultures know this. We can actually converse with our heart as if it were a good friend. In modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts that we have forgotten this essential art of taking time to converse with our heart. When we ask it about our current path, we must look at the values we have chosen to live by. Where do we put our time, our strength, our creativity, our love? We must look at our life without sentimentality, exaggeration, or idealism. Does what we are choosing reflect what we most deeply value?”

Having just written about the costs (non-financial) of Breaking Away, this excerpt arrives like a sunbeam at dawn this morning. At the 49-day Countdown, it’s darn easy to get all hot and bothered about why NOT to go. But what about the costs of skipping this blessed chance? Mr. Kornfield speaks to that.

BTW, one must be careful of this sort of self-help inspiration stuff. It can lead to painful shoulder shrugging and eyeball rolling. Then a dodgy desire for more. Then yoga, meditation, classes, teachers, sunrise rituals, and more. Been there, doing that.

It can be corny, but often effective. Rather like religion. Which, according to R.E.M., most of us have lost.

Yoga by the lakeshore: Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. I thank the heavens; my body thanks me. The candles show the light until the sky starts to glow. Then, the sunrise is most awakening and stunning—today, anyway. Sometimes it’s even better than sleep.

What about these matters of the heart? What about “heart?”—a word so overused and Hallmark-abused that this writer dares not to type it often. Yet without IT, we can become, “So busy with our daily affairs and thoughts that we have forgotten this essential art of taking time to…?” Fill in the blank. Taking time to…

A sabbatical is, at its best, taking time to let the heart speak. To shut up and listen—to feel the beat. To follow its request list. To pay attention to your mates as their heartbeats take voice.

It’s a time to dance wide-eyed into the great mysteries and, with any luck, make discoveries both childish and profound. Could be as simple as building a sandcastle with your kids. Or trying new foods. Or making music. Or just stepping out of the distraction-laden routine to follow wherever your heart may lead you.

Okay. Enough of that. There’s work to do, whether my heart is in it or not. But soon soon, that work will more resemble my Life’s Work.

Come along! (Or get the hell out of the way…)