
My Jimmy Moment

Posted on: Monday, January 27th, 2025
Posted in: SoulTrain | One comment

IMG_4873.jpegPhoto: Willie Nelson (a friend of Jimmy) & Family, Somerset, WI, 6-23-23

(NOTE: Although ALL the attention lately is on a certain reality star who just became president, our eldest statesman—from a very different values platform—recently passed away at the age of 100. Flags fly at half-mast for a month when presidents pass, although the new president demanded that this respectful practice stop for his inauguration—for another historical first.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I met Jimmy Carter in my teens. For much of my life, I was politically active—in both parties—which have both changed immeasurably over the decades.

I worked in a congressman’s office. I spent a long election day campaigning person to person with a US senator; he lost. Attended conventions, hung out in HQs, saw most presidents.

But I only met one president. Jimmy. Iowa was a political hub. So in 1976, when nine presidential candidates came to speak to a large audience, I went—with friends of varied convictions. There were contenders with bigger names, but when Jimmy took the stage, smiled, and said, “My name is Jimmy Carter and I’m running for President,” the awe was palpable. And I was moved.

So after the endless event, when the candidates worked the crowd in what was a folksy place and time, I saw Jimmy and moved toward him. To my shock, two large men in dark suits picked me up under each armpit, carried me several feet, and dropped me. Then one leaned close and commanded, “Don’t approach the candidate from the rear.”

“Okay!” I replied, as I brushed them away and thought to myself, “Holy shit…Is this guy gonna be the next president?” Now excited, I moved slowly around Jimmy to the not-long line, avoiding the stares of the Big Suits.

Moments later, I introduced myself. Jimmy shook my hand and flashed that famous smile and beamed, “I’m very pleased to meet you, Kirk. What brings you here today?”

“Just curious,” I grinned, “Guess I thought maybe I’d get to meet the next president—you never know.”

Jimmy’s other hand landed on my shoulder, and he laughed, “Well, I hope you just did!”

“Me too,” I replied, and not just because that felt like the right thing to say. We chatted for a moment. And as the line quickly grew behind us, I realized I should move on before the Big Suits took charge.

With eye contact and a smile that never wavered, Jimmy finished our chat, “It was so nice to meet you, Kirk. Thanks for being here today—I hope our paths cross again.” They didn’t of course. But for a moment, I felt the presence of greatness, and yet like an old friend.

For a moment, he made me feel like I mattered. Like we all mattered.

To paraphrase Mr. Mondale, Jimmy Carter told the truth, obeyed the law, and kept the peace.


FOTOFRIDAY: -40°F Winchills (No Big Deal)

Posted on: Friday, January 24th, 2025
Posted in: SoulTrain, Travelog, Unplugging, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

Not my best snow art creation. But when you only have a few minutes until your face freezes, you throw standards to the wind and work fast.

The Content Committee apologizes for two frozen-lake FotoFriday shots in a row. But such is life around here. I insist that spending some time outside every day remains essential to sanity. And the Dark Daze are not so bad; one gets creative. Cleans out closets. Unplugs and seeks a rarified, zenny peace.

As for the “Travelog” label in the categories, that’s the Committee’s sense of humor. See, this Thought Leader ain’t going nowhere warm. (Though I will. Someday.) Even though I have spent entire winters—and longer—away. But things change. So why not enjoy this singular experience while I still can? I won’t live on this beautiful body of water/ice (that’s become part of my soul) forever. Frisbee with Heinies on the beach can wait. Hope I can!

Be. Here. Now.

Keep the faith…

FOTOFRIDAY: Sacred Spaces That Forever Soar

Posted on: Friday, August 30th, 2024
Posted in: SoulTrain, Travelog, FOTOFRIDAY | 10 comments

IMG_0341.jpegHey! It’s not easy throwing a catchable friz while taking a competent pic—even for a lifetime photography and frisbee enthusiast!

Do you have special spaces that you visit whenever possible? I do. Sutherland Park is a large water reservoir/park—rather like a water tower but underground—in Sioux City. My friends and I spent 1,000s of hours there as I grew up. We tossed, played music and sang, watched shooting stars, or just gazed at the beautiful, rolling hillsides and sundowns..

I still walk there daily when in town, which has been a lot in recent years as my parents age in place with grace (and lots of bridge).

Daughter Elsa also tosses a mean frisbee, and is always game to hang out at the Park. Nearly 50 years of memories ride on that disc, and in the air, and I throw out some extra gratitude for life, friends, family, and preservation.

FOTOFRIDAY: One Day 2 Years Ago…

Posted on: Friday, February 2nd, 2024
Posted in: SoulTrain, FOTOFRIDAY | One comment

Embrace the spirals of nature. Fresh snow inspires fresh snow art.

I’ve made so many works of snow art that I have lost count, and can barely find them all in my enormous photo files. So when this one popped up when scrolling today, a distant cold day warmed my heart. Note the globe on top!

This year, we have no snow. The record-breaking warmth is pleasant and easy. But I do miss the bright white, the childish magic of playing in fresh white stuff, and making spontaneous snow creations. Climate change keeps getting freakier. So jump in the snow when you can. And of course…

Keep the faith.

FOTOFRIDAY: Happy (?) Solstice!

Posted on: Friday, December 22nd, 2023
Posted in: SoulTrain, Unplugging, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

This installment of the Snow Art Series is titled Solstice Rosy Sunshine.

Why the (?) in Happy Solstice headline? Well, lotsa reasons, including that the day is DARK, the weather can be frightful, and it portends the start of winter. Still, the day is full of hope and reasons to festivate. (Or just unplug and meditate.) Stonehenge was built 5,000 years ago by Solstice fans, and people throughout the N side of the globe have commemorated in countless creative (and sometimes shocking) ways since the Pagan days.

My 2023 commemoration stayed simple. Some sun-colored roses offer reminders of brighter days ahead, while taunting a frozen (and slippery!) lake for a backdrop. Fortunately, the day was unseasonably warm enough to assure that the roses survived the photo shoot unscathed—though I was prepared for them to become sacrificial blooms.

They’re inside now. The earth has tilted. And we’re only 6 months til the longest day…and a full year until we can commemorate the dark daze yet again. I may not be ready, but I won’t miss out. Happy Solstice!

FOTOFRIDAY: Liberty is Not a B/W Issue

Posted on: Friday, December 8th, 2023
Posted in: SoulTrain, Travelog, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

I stumbled on this pic from a fun week in NYNY in 2015 with my daughter, who was only 12 at the time. The statue looks stark, perhaps because Lady Liberty knows the world is ringing with divisiveness, war, extremism, and worse. It’s no fun for wide-eyed children and millions (billions?) of people all over the world.

Yet it’s the holiday season. So we continue to hope and pray for peace, love, and understanding. Nothing so funny about that, right? So as possible, please turn down the noise and enjoy your holiday rituals and festivities.

And of course, keep the faith.

FOTOFRIDAY: Reflections on a Balmy Fall

Posted on: Friday, November 17th, 2023
Posted in: SoulTrain, Unplugging, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

Punny or not…No season brings deeper or more colorful reflections than fall.

Fall is a great time to travel—a ‘shoulder season’ when the tourists are usually back home yet the tourism bizzes are still humming but without irksome crowds and lines. The weather can be lovely if you choose the right place and have some luck. And autumn in most climes brings a free show of color and natural transformation.

And yet…fall is a good time to be home too. ESPECIALLY this year, here in MN, where we were gifted with drought-busting rains but also more sunny, warm days than I can count. Record-breaking stuff! The lake is full; the neighborhood pontoon party is still afloat. Chores got done without the panic of stinging snow or frozen fingers. We’ve been blissfully blessed.

Oh yeah, the other shoe WILL drop. Hard and cold. And soon, like, next week. Still, as I watched with envy while friends flew off to autumnal BreakAways in Italy, Nashville, and beyond, I also rejoiced in the epiphany that, often, the best place to travel is your own lovely yard.

FOTOFRIDAY: ALIENS…& Some Tall Green Humans Behind Them

Posted on: Friday, September 1st, 2023
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle, SoulTrain, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

From the Frontier Bar, on the Midway, MN State Fair. Highly recommended.

People go to to the MN State Fair for the rides, the food, the animals, and the live entertainment—and by that we mean the People Watching. My ideal fair day includes lots of live music (5 bands yesterday), some crop art, the best cheese curds on planet earth, and, of course, a few beers

You see it all at the fair. But I did NOT expect to see aliens! At least that’s how my friend Scott interpreted this picture. You see, we have a longstanding inside joke about aliens. So when riding the bus shuttle home I texted him this picture with one word—ALIENS!

He quickly replied, “And some tall green people behind them.”

I dunno. Maybe you had to be there. But after a long day at the fair, one feels a dizzy, punchy glow. So I found that to be the funniest thing in the world. And proceeded to laugh like a bad church boy on the packed bus. Until tears were flowing.

Did anyone notice? Not really; they were experiencing their own giddy euphoria. Do you know that feeling? I hope so.

I skipped the state fair for decades—avoiding the crowds, the lines, the chaos. I know better now…and see this otherworldly stimuli-fest as one of the most unique, accepting BreakAways around. I recommend it. As do the 2+ million loyal annual attendees.

Which brings to mind an old BreakAway mantra: When in doubt, just go!

Don’t believe me? Ask the aliens.

Winter Couped-up Creativity…or Craziness?

Posted on: Friday, February 24th, 2023
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle, SoulTrain, Unplugging | Leave a comment

What color are your eyes?

BreakAway preaches the gospel of seeking and creating beauty wherever and whenever possible. Nature is often the best collaborator. And travel most always provides nonstop inspiration and eye-opening moments.

Having said THAT, it’s possible that this winter may be getting to some of us. I mean, the concept of this piece was pretty cool—and I have a LONG history of making ‘art’ on fresh snow (see below). But! The fresh slippery snow on VERY slick ice and a hellaciously strong wind (that kept blowing the shirts away) made the execution harder than the inspiration.

Dangerous? Yep. Difficult? Damn straight. Stupid? Naaaah. Even Monet probably had a bad day. Might be time to start planning that belated warm-weather BreakAway? Keep the faith…

D-Day Clock; Long Covid; Living P2P

Posted on: Wednesday, February 1st, 2023
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle, SoulTrain, BITN | Leave a comment

Have we entered dystopian times? This skull—and some other sources—seem to think so.

BreakAways in the News (BITN) is back after a short sabbatical. Thanks for your patience…

The interns continue to pile up clippings that relate to our attempts to BreakAway from the things that ail us (more on that shortly) and leap into leisure, calm, and getting away from IT all. Here’s out take on a few of the latest news bits…

  • We’re 90 seconds from … THE END

A Peter Sellers movie? Monty Python, perhaps? No, it’s a thing. The Doomsday Clock, as set by the Atomic Scientists, recently was turned forward from 100 seconds to 90 seconds. Until midnight, AKA the end of…time.

The D-Day Committee (which includes experts in all things nuclear, climate, global health, etc.) meets twice a year, as they have since 1947. And their optimism keeps waning. Consider this: At one point, the clock was 17 minutes from midnight! That was in 1991, at the end of the Cold War. Who knew we were living in such blissy times?

Naturally, they are concerned about the Ukraine invasion, nuclear escalation, disease, and climate hell. Our takeaway: Don’t postpone joy. Know your priorities. And do what you can to live as though there is no tomorrow.

One of these days, if this clock is at all timely, that could be true.

  • Long Covid continues to shorten careers (and lives)

To some, Covid was a hoax—perhaps something akin to the Doomsday Clock. To others, Covid lives on, and not in a good way. According to a recent New York study, 18% of Long Covid patients were still unable to return to work 1 year after becoming ill. And more than 75% of them are younger than 60.

Have you noticed the nonstop stories (and Help Wanted signs) re worker shortages lately? Prognosticators continue to blame the usual suspects: Early retirement, The Great Quit, demographics. All have truth, but as Harvard professor David Cutler puts it, “Covid is not over, and it won’t be for some time.” Cue the Help Wanted sign.

Thus, the BreakAway lobbyists will continue to fight for health benefits and practices, seeing yourself as a citizen of Planet Earth (rather than a party of 1), and…again…chasing your dreams while we still can.

  • 64% of Americans nearly broke 

Nearly 2/3 (64%) of Americans admit they are living paycheck-to-paycheck. That’s up 3% from the end of 2021. And more than half who make more than $100K also belong to this crumbling club.

Once again, the pandemic comes into play. Despite the government’s generosity during that time, people slipped backward. Meanwhile, inflation has come back with an ugliness not seen since the 70s. And yes, some of us remember that time—and the sight of parents fretting over the stack of bills late into the night.

So save some of your money and save yourself, please. BreakAway’s simple 11 Commandments of Fiscal Fitness will help. And the payoff may be even better than that sabbatical in Spain; you will help fight back against yet another killer illness: Stress.