Rants & Roadkill

FOTOFRIDAY: Denmark: Flaunting Fierce Independence…Again

Posted on: Friday, March 14th, 2025
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

P1040193.jpegToday’s FotoFriday selection dates back to summer, 2012, from a lovely seaside village. I’ve seen countless wondrous countries, yet few (if any) can compare to Denmark in kindness, cleanliness, community, and pride.

My 50% Danish heritage makes me biased, but Denmark remains a little country that can—and always attracts way more attention than their tiny population of ~6 million might suggest. Now, their autonomous territory, Greenland, is under attack by the Trump administration. Not literally, but…not yet? Denmark’s fierce independence goes back to the the 8thcentury AD. And both peoples knows how to say, “Bug off, Bully!”

Ah, kjaerlig Danmark. Bliv staerk!!!

New Burnout Study Suggests BreakAway Urgency

Posted on: Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Posted in: HR FYI, Rants & Roadkill, Work/Life Hacking | Leave a comment

IMG_1875.jpegThriving plants lose green and sheen during harsh, cold times. Same with people.

Our friends at the WSJ recently delved into the heightened level of burnout happening throughout corporate America. To be sure, this story by Ray A. Smith is NOT new—and they research this stuff regularly—but the outlook keeps getting darker. Here are some choice bullets, from a Gallup survey of 200,000 workers…

• The # of people wanting to switch jobs is at a 10-year high.

• That’s higher than the ‘great resignation’ of 2020 – 2021

• 50% are actively seeking or watching for ways out

• Only 18% say that they are ‘extremely satisfied’

• The return to offices is unpopular with most

• ¾ of employers are in some phase of ‘disruption’—restructuring, selling, merging…

• Raises are down (median = 4.1% in ’24); folks feel penny-pinched

The risks here are many—basic but brutal burnout being the obvious. But on top of that, workers feel like they’re drowning in the nonstop uptick of meetings, messages, and tech interruptions in general. Work is turning us into unhappy robots.

Who hasn’t come to resent (if not just plain fear and hate) the world’s ever-increasing reliance screens, logins, and lack of service? Can you even use your own toilet anymore without a security check? This stuff kills productivity, and in the workplace chokes independence and creativity. Even smart companies are drowning in over-information and -technolization.

As for the “disruption” piece, well, that’s because private equity is buying up the world while we sleep and Congress all but encourages it. And if not that, companies keep squeezing and restructuring before the old rework gets a chance to…work.

That’s unfortunate, and does not bode well for this country, most investments, and above all, the people who make this complicated watch tick. A new red wave of burn-the-house down leadership will not add to stability or empathy.

BreakAways become more vital by the day. From unfulfilling jobs, of course, but when possible, from the whole scene. Save money. Maintain connections…and an open mind. Above all, don’t let WORK become a bigger life-kill than necessary.

Hold on to your goals to free your time, your mind, and your body—perhaps to somewhere far away for a while. Pretend you’re a cell phone and recharge.

Keep dreaming…and keep the faith.

BITN: Try New Things TODAY; Barcelona Sez NO!; Travel & CC’s UP!

Posted on: Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Sabbatical Shuffle, Spendology, BITN | 3 comments

IMG_1394.jpegBored? Burned-out? Over-booked? Give yourself a daily BreakAway and try something new TODAY!

These days, there’s always news about BreakAways. Here are a few that have been grabbing some eyeballs of late…

  • 30 Days to Living Free

Multi-media star Tabitha Brown needed more to do—or was feeling trapped in all she already had to do—so she came up with the idea (and book) I Did a New Thing: 30 Days to Living Free. Shrinks and other burn-out experts warn us that too much routine can = stress. And Brown’s book packs lots of easy ideas that remind us, to paraphrase George Clinton, to: Free you ass, and your mind will follow.

  • Barcelona Says ‘Go Home!’

Last summer (and now and then since), a group of protestors sporting water guns has been marching to protest the invasion of tourists. Can’t blame ‘em. I mean, when my daughter’s friends from different colleges decided to converge on one Euro metro for their international semester, that was their choice. (Yawn.)

Is the pushback working? Of course not. Barcelona’s tourism arm barraged the travel world with welcome notices. And both the country and city had big upswings this year. Still, it’s a cute idea. And if you’re planning to go there, pack a raincoat.

  • ‘Merrkuns Going Abroad More Than Ever

Beware, Barcelona. A national travel office reports that Americans in April trekked overseas 8% more than in 2023, and 106% more than in April 2019 (before Covid hit, right?). Confidence is back, right? Never mind the bloated airfare prices. So how to people do it? Read on…

About that Barcelona trip…remember also your credit card(s). That way, you can contribute to our inauspicious new record $1.17 TRILLION in CC debt, up 8% from a year ago. Our regular readers, both of them, know that BreakAway eschews debt and spits it out. But credit cards? At 29.99%? Well ,that’s sad, ridiculous, and should be illegal. Reminder: Mind your fiscal fitness?


Posted on: Friday, August 9th, 2024
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Unplugging, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

IMG_0374.jpegWatch out for bees. And A stands for Apple, and they can sting too.

So, it’s been 1.5 months since the last post. I could blame myself, and usually do. But in this case, Apple Computer reeeeallllly messed up. Like, 3 times+. So, after a fast crash—which probably happened because I did something a senior tech advisor told me to do (while others said DON’T!), it took them 3 tries and endless hours of crappy service to get me a $$$$ replacement.

I may tell the story in another post. But I’m not ready yet. Just mad and…trying to catch up and move on. Take care of your tech (as best you can!?!). Good luck with that! And of course…

Keep the faith.

BITN: Apple Crush Flops; Voice Notes Soothe; Credit Goes Crazy

Posted on: Thursday, June 6th, 2024
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Spendology, Unplugging, BITN, Wily Mktg | Leave a comment


This post features some thunderous rants. But know that there’s usually a rainbow—or two—at the end of the storm.

  • Apple iPad ad blows it

UNPLUGGING. That’s where it’s at…I write from my MacBook Pro while my iPhone buzzes beside me. But seriously, playing piano, reading a book on a hammock, creating art with your hands—these things are the REAL BreakAways that calm the nerves and soothe souls. Apple should embrace this.

Most folks have a love/hate relationship with Apple. But the loathing side hit a fresh low with the recent release of the iPad Pro TV ad. Just watch it. A hydraulic (that must represent iPad) crushes all kinds of creative and playful items: TV, camera, paint, games, guitar, record player, books… BOOKS!

The obvious message is if you buy a new iPad pro, you don’t need those things any more. In fact, let’s just destroy them. Pundits, professors, and celebrities have, well, crushed the ad. More attention for A? Yes. But, man, what a BAD look!

Sure, Apple makes creative tools, and owns that niche. But can you have too many toys and tools? Can Apple replace paint? Not to mention—retro is (as always) COOL! Smash record players and 35mm cameras at your own risk, cuz kids these days LOVE that stuff. They’re hotter than hula hoops—and probably the iPad, which represents only 6% of Apple’s sales.

6%! On a 1-100 scale, Professor Kirk would, charitably, give this ad about a 6. That = Failure.

  • Voice messages gains popularity as option to text (burnout)

In another bite from the Apple tree, in 2014 Apple added the voice message as part of the text message menu. It didn’t catch on fast, but now gets increasingly more usage—and has become included in most SM and messaging platforms—according to a recent WashPost story by Tatum Hunter.

SOUNDS good to me. Texting, while initially cool and efficient, has become (for these eyes) a burden. An ever-growing responsibility that one simply cannot unplug. At least for long.

Some say the podcast revolution helped us remember we DO like the sound of human voices and harbor some attention span. And some of us remember when a (real) phone ringing—and the conversation with the person on the other line—was exciting, even sacred, sometimes scary.

The voice message can serve as an in-betweenie to the text and the phone call—which, for some, has become verboten and invasive. Travel much? Hope so—and that you TALK to strangers wherever you go. Heck, talk to strangers at the corner bar or supermarket!

And by all means, talk to your screen ‘friends,’ including via the voice message tool. You’ll enjoy the nuance, the deeper info, and the REALness that misspelled words and emojis usually fail to convey.

  • Credit card debt reaches “severe” level

Debt is going through the roof. Too bad, because roofs are getting terribly expensive. Credit card debt has jumped to $1.12 trillion from ‘just’ $1 trillion only a year ago. Younger people are harder hit. And higher interest rates don’t help. OPINIONATED QUESTION: Why are credit card companies allowed to charge 18-28 percent interest? OPINION: That’s Mob-like extortion.


Meanwhile, banks make big bucks. Folks go broke. Wall Street loves it. And the rich get richer, while the rest of us keep handing them bags of money. Cards make up only ~6.5% of consumer debt, but hit struggling people the hardest. Some say it’s a bubble, ready to burst. And you know who ends up paying for the mess when they explode? Probably not the CEO of Chase.

TIP: Shop carefully for your card(s). TRY to pay your balance in full every month. Focus on saving not shopping! And teach your children to practice the same fiscal fitness.

SM: New College Major and Major Classroom Headache

Posted on: Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Unplugging, Wily Mktg | Leave a comment

Yep, traditional higher-ed institutions will soon be graduating students with degrees in social media. It’s a million times more relevant than Shakespeare, so how could they not?

Within the last week or so, social media has become a headline in so many ways that social media itself can barely keep up.

In Minnesota, the U of M has announced plans to create a social media minor, and already has some classes; St. Thomas (across the river) has had a digital media arts major for some time. Meanwhile, the MN legislature appears close to some sort of ban on cellphones in the classroom (though school districts would create their own policy). And in faraway Washington DC, new legislation to ban TikTok in the USA just sped through Congress.

  • Phones are ruining us

The BreakAway board has, for years (decades?) railed against c-phone/tech addiction, and the ways they have ruined communication, civility, and sanity. These issues have now become so omnipresent that, well, we rarely comment or preach the gospel of Unplugging of late. So while it’s terrific to see the world sorta catching on, let us be the first to say: TOO LATE!

  • Try teaching to plugged-in students

Having taught at two art colleges—during the years that phones and nonstop tech were gradually gaining ground and taking over brains—I can tell you this: It’s not easy. Policies rarely worked, and students were so clever they could practically text with their toes. As a guest speaker in other classes, I’d wander and see most of the students were NOT taking notes on their computers; they were shopping Amazon or perusing the latest posts from Nikki Minaj.

Yet, my writing class incorporated social media writing. (I called the course ‘Contemporary Marketing Writing,’ though the official title was an inherited, tired tangle of verbiage.) The challenge persisted always: Professor Kirk insisted the students write with traditional grammar and punctuation, if only cuz this is college, even though SM rarely bothers with such. At some point, I had to give up! And in truth, my approach was probably dated, if appropriate. #whatevs

  • Will TikTok go away?

In a word, NO. The owners (who are Chinese) can fight the ban in courts. For years. Should it go away? Yes. China is accessing our data, spying on our people, and successfully spreading bogus information to harm our country. This culture critic tires of conspiracy theories. But this is no theory. Even the dunderheads in DC have finally figured that out.

Anyway, polls of kids confirm that if TikTok goes away (which would be toats Debby Downer), they’d just shift to other platforms. And other platforms would probably get better at mimicking TikTok.

  • Ancient Chinese secret

People often quote the ancient allegedly Chinese proverb: ‘May you live in interesting times.’ Well, we do. So interesting that 49% of 15-17 year-olds have experienced cyberbullying within the last year (Pew). So fascinating that excellent teaches are quitting because they can’t compete with phones. So intriguing that our state and national governments are trying to control the chaos through a myriad of laws that will have little or no policing or power.

There’s so much more to say, and maybe we will, someday. But just now, we just wanna ditch this tedious writing nonsense and check our latest Facebook feeds.

Keep the faith.

FOTOFRIDAY: Where There’s Smoke

Posted on: Friday, June 16th, 2023
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

Lovely murky sunset over Lake Okoboji, courtesy of Canada and their wildfires.

Are we living in the end times? Hell, yeah. I thought that those of us of a certain age would take a spaceship to Heaven before all that. But any more, it’s hard to find any good news about planet destruction slowing down. It’s too damn bad. Cuz this place was Eden, and bazillions of innocent species do not deserve to be wiped out. Humans do, though; we’re the intelligent ones. And look what we’ve done with all them smarts.

My personal thanks to those who still think global warming (a better label than ‘climate change’) is a hoax. And to the cultures who don’t give a hoot about overpopulation. But let’s minimize the anger, enjoy the pretty sunsets that vital getaways provide, and drink a toast to, well, Planet Toast. While we still can.


8 BILLION? Travel While You Still Can…

Posted on: Thursday, December 15th, 2022
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Sabbatical Shuffle | One comment
Dark daze ahead? Probably. So take that trip sooner than later.

Many times, when someone returns from vakay or BreakAway, I’ve asked the cliché question, “So what was the best part about __________?” Usually, the answer is, “The people!”

That’s great. And it means that you did more than sightsee, museum-hop, and imbibe. It also suggests that, with any luck, people every are awesome. I mean, friends have even offered that answer after visiting some countries that we Americans tend to fear and loathe.

  • People rock…but does Planet Earth want 8B?

Yet, how often have you travelled somewhere that you know—and maybe have been able to visit all your life—only to experience shock at how crowded the place has become? The development, the cars, the lines, the destruction of nature. I honestly can’t think of anywhere I know well (and like) that has escaped this unfortunate fate.

So sometimes I don’t want to go those places as much. And when possible, I schedule carefully to avoid crowds and chaos.

The planet groans every time it registers another birth.

~ Paul Simon, Born at the Right Time

One wants to avoid being nostalgic. What’s the future in that!?! So my conclusion is: GO. Now. Take the kids, the SO, your friends. Make the best of it and find your quiet spaces. Oh yeah, I’d like to start a movement called STOP THE BUILDING. But since that rarely works, see that dream destination before the water is polluted, the cottage is a condo high-rise, and the people are packed in like smelly sardines.

The world population was ~ 3B when I was born. And at the time, ZPG (Zero Population Growth) had traction, especially among Tree Huggers. We’ve almost tripled. The trees are falling.

But if you are kind and curious, people everywhere will still hug you. And will still be the best part of your journey.

Keep the faith.

TM Has Become THE BreakAway Buzzkill

Posted on: Tuesday, December 6th, 2022
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Sabbatical Shuffle | Leave a comment
Want to be one of these euphoric fans? You need to master Ticketmaster. Good luck with that…

Ever wonder why rock stars suddenly smash a perfectly good guitar? It’s because they failed to get tickets to a show they really wanted to see because of Ticketmaster. They’re not alone. I see a LOT of live shows. And also have too many smashed guitars.

Taylor Swift is coming to town, and it’s the hottest ticket in, like, forever, dude. Lucky for me, I didn’t even TRY to get a ticket, though I would like to be there. Just thinking about trying to score nearly provokes an anxiety attack. How can they be so inept? So inconsiderate? So blatantly carefree about how much everybody hates them?

Yep, they’re even getting sued by fed-up fans. Standing O for that!

As written up countless time in this here blog, live music is about the best BreakAway around that doesn’t require a suitcase. Heck, it’s PROVEN by SCIENCE to be even better than yoga!

Since the beginning of dirt, it remains one of the most exciting, sacred, and coveted BreakAway experiences around for millions…billions?…of people. Few rituals can take you so far away from whatever ails you, bond you with an instant tribe of like-listening besties, and (usually) take you back home to reality in a matter of hours.

Whoever is responsible for passing out those communion wafers better respect the cosmic power they hold. And the easy money they can make by simply not f*cking up too bad. TM fails at all of it. ALL of it! (Except for the making money part. In$ane amounts, increased exponentially since TM and Live Nation inexplicably were allowed to merge in 2010.)

Can you say (and lose at) MONOPOLY?

How bad is it? A Rolling Stone expose on the concert industry (TM) found that only ~25% of the tickets sold directly even get into the average Joe/Jane’s hands. The rest? Brokers, bots, crooks, reselling platforms… And oh, by the way, guess who owns and runs one of the biggest of those? TM.

So…TM is going to sell you tickets, complete with all sorts of huckster-ish presales, secret codes, $$$$ credit card front-of-line perks—things that sucker fans into thinking they have a fair and real shot to get good seats at a fair price. But that rarely happens any more. When it does, call it dumb luck. And enjoy the show. Cuz next time? Who knows?

(Let’s not even mention their fees. We’d run out of swear words immediately.)

And yet, long before official sellout—and sometimes before tix even go on sale—jump online, and there are thousands of seats for sale. Many of them by TM or some subsidiary (or some exec’s nephew). For insane prices. It ain’t right.

It’s not the first time we gullible, innocent consumers have been snookered big-time. But it’s one of the worst. And no one is doing anything about it. Oh sure, a few senators face the camera (not the music) and say, “We really oughta fix this!” Then they go back to fund-raising, or free lunch, or whatever they’re (not) doing.

{CONFESSION: I once saw a US senator come in late to a big, sold-out show. With a posse of about 20 people. Take primo seats. And look so-o-o-o bored and out of place. They left early…and were followed out by thousands of livid, glaring faces. I’m still grossed out.}

Meantime, as fans with a credit card, we keep fighting for a seat, screaming into the abyss, and then maybe somehow showing up at the show to have a blast anyway. Because (in my case in recent years) we’ll do almost anything to see McCartney, Madonna, Simon, Springsteen…once more or maybe for the first and only time. After all, they are the musical gods that have provided the soundtrack to our lives.

{Insert commercial: PLEASE generously support your local artists and venues. I mean, I saw a GREAT show in a dive bar for…FREE…last week. Everyone was happy, including the performers. Their pay? Whatever we threw into the empty pitcher that got passed around.}

Something—everything!—is wrong this pitcher. I mean picture. I’m glad I don’t have a daughter with her heart set on seeing Taylor. But my heart goes out to the millions of parents in that position. Your kid may fault you. But TM is to blame. We deserve better.

This concludes today’s rant. Stay tuned for the encores.

Rock on and thanks for listening…

Travel Fights Hate Better than lululemon

Posted on: Monday, October 24th, 2022
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Sabbatical Shuffle, SoulTrain, Wily Mktg | Leave a comment

“Welcome…We expect you to…We will not tolerate…”

Today’s post dips into many of the topics we’ve been wading in of late: Advertising, wordsmithing, photographic messages, escapism, cultural chaos, and of course, travel. Please dive in and discuss amongst yourselves.

  • When life gives you lulu…

When I found myself escaping to the mall yesterday, I found myself taken aback by this sign at the entrance of lulu’s boutique of lemons. On the one hand, high 5s for the aggressive, stern stance. On the other hand, really? I mean, I’ve received unprovoked stinkeye for walking into rooms hosting folks from rednecks to blue bloods. But a trendy yoga gear store?

I felt guilty, though un-charged.

  • Words matter

After kicking it around for a while, the BreakAway Woke Committee flashed the yellow card at Ms. Lemon. Lulu’s marketeers likely loved our mild warning; it was yellow, after all.

We take our writing, if little else, seriously here at BreakAway. And delicate nuances that always deserve extra consideration are tone and voice. Does lulu’s verbiage feel inviting? Inclusive? Encouraging and moving? Statements of aspiration or mission can be great, and should strive to guide and inspire. You want to get such things right.

Does this feel right? Maybe to their customers, which skew white and middle/upper class (though I doubt it). That’s not me, not exactly. And the only thing I ever bought at LLL was a discounted (but still $$$) backpack. The zipper immediately broke—with no returns on sale merch. So maybe I’m still sour…lemons.

But still, let’s strive, dear readers and travelers, to preach our messages and change the world with graciousness, welcomeness, and positive voices.

As George Clinton (the King of Funk) says (and he knows way more than the lemon crew about shaking your booty), “Free your mind…and your ass will follow.”

  • Moral of the story 

I asked myself about two favorite, oh-so different, places I love to escape to: The Caribbean and Italy. I pondered: Would you see such a sign there? Highly unlikely. Do they have issues about race, class, and tolerance? Yes. Is saying “We expect you” and “We do not tolerate” a great way to start the conversation about (to quote Rodney King)…”CAN’T WE ALL GET ALONG?

When you travel, you have no choice but to get along…to open your mind to new people, new viewpoints, new ways of living. And they open their doors to you: In my experience, most (if not all) destinations proudly accept you. And tolerate you. And welcome you warmly…with curious and generous hearts. I’ll say it:

People who travel a lot, assuming they get out and experience things, grow more open minds. And hearts. Thanks to their hosts. (What kind of a host is lululemon?)

Journey pilgrims are also always dreaming and scheming their next big (or small) Breakaway. They want their hearts to grow three sizes more, like the Grinch.

They go home grateful, spiritually moved, and more hopeful for humanity. That can be a rare feeling these days. lululemon must agree, or they might not post such a sharp but blunt “welcome” sign.

  • Go with good intent

Having said all THAT, may their sign somehow be making the world a better place. I think that’s their objective. Insert 🙌 (raised hands in celebration) here.

“Love is the answer.” ~Todd Rundgren (rock star)

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” ~Jesus (Jesus Christ, Superstar)

Keep the faith. (breakawayguy)

My boy learning about fishing from lovely Caribbean locals with love in their hearts…