
Top Workplaces Serve Suds But Not Sabbaticals

Posted on: Monday, June 27th, 2016
Posted in: HR FYI | Leave a comment


Yesterday’s Star Tribune included a hefty supplement about Minnesota’s best employers, as determined by the Strib and Pennsylvania’s Workplace Dynamics. The Twin Cities remain a top metro to work and live in according to umpteen surveys. And there’s plenty to love about how employers are creating innovative perks for employees—everything from Flannel Fridays to free beer.

Sadly missing, however, are sabbaticals. After perusing all 40 pages (including dozens of self-congrats ads from companies), I honestly don’t think the word or any like it appeared. Oh sure, some are upgrading their PTO and flex-work policies. But earning, say, a three-month BreakAway for seven years of service? Nary a mention, hint, or clue.

  • Whatever the numbers, they’re low

It’s possible we don’t really know how many companies offer—and deliver—paid extended breaks. But we do know this much: Few do. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, about 5% offer paid sabbaticals and about 18% offer unpaid. According to Fortune, meanwhile, 25% of the 100 Best Companies to Work for have a program.

But as noted here in MYBA all too often, many companies—even well-intentioned ones—say they provide the perk. But few staffers dare to take their time. It reminds me of the clever neon hanging in a favorite bar: “Free drinks tomorrow.”

Here’s the thing: The USA now boasts an unemployment rate below 5%; it’s below 4% in Minnesota—and iterations of “Help Wanted” signs are omnipresent and getting detailed and creative. Many of these jobs are low-paying positions that may never be sabbatical material. But what about those who have worked their way up the ladder for years into management or dedicated careers?

They will probably burn out, grow resentful, and depend on a work ethic that is based more on short-term fear than on long-term, inspirational incentives.

Let’s hope for change; goodness knows employers must fight to attract and retain great talent. And most are certainly not doing it with pay; according to one article in the report, employee compensation peaked in 1970 and is nearing 60-year lows. Meantime, corporate profits are approaching 60-year highs. Executive pay is doing pretty okay, too.

For the rest of us—the salaried millions and minions—here are some perks that better employers have brewed up that seem to be creating a buzz for now. Decide for yourself whether you’d rather have Flannel Fridays or three months off.

  • Free beer
  • Intrapreneurial programs
  • A prom
  • “Thought leadership” blog posts for all
  • Telecommuting options
  • Student loan repayment assistance
  • Emergency loans
  • “Employee empowerment”
  • Flex time
  • 15-minute massages every other week
  • Fitness centers
  • Recreation areas
  • Kitchens
  • Community gardens
  • Pizza parties
  • Flannel Fridays
  • Casual Fridays
  • Food truck Fridays
  • Dogs allowed (no mention of cats)
  • Wellness classes
  • Bowling teams
  • Sharing financials
  • ESOPs
  • Boat rides
  • Golf outings
  • Yoga
  • Happiness
  • Donuts


P.S. No mention of vacations or family/parent/health leaves either…

11 Long-Living Lessons from #TBEXinMN

Posted on: Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle | One comment

TBEX, aka The Travel Blog Exchange, held its annual USA conference last week right here in the Twin Cities. The days were packed with speakers, sessions, networking, partying, and of course, all things blogging/SM/podcasting/etc. Some serious sponsors lined up to show themselves off—and show the travelers a good time.

My wrist hurt from taking notes. And my head hurt from trying to absorb all the info. As the only career-break evangelist in attendance, I both owned my turf and found myself defending the validity of BreakAways for work-addicted Americans.

But I gained good ideas to put to use—and happily share these fave 11 takeaways.

You meet the most interesting characters at a TBEX conference!

You meet the most interesting characters at a TBEX conference!

  • 11 TBEX takeaways 
  1. Avoid headlines like “11 Things I Learned.” So says Tom Bartel of the Travel Past 50 blog and past publisher of this metro’s City Pages. He’s right! (That’s why I rarely do it.) Tom’s session on writing with emotion included high-ed-level musings on literature and composition. Refreshing reminders in this age of txtng!
  1. Minnesota is cool—not just cold. This biased local saw our surroundings in a new and bright light and was blown away by the hospitality, generosity, and richness of our towns. Standing O to the many tourism and visitor orgs that made it happen, and made it easy. But don’t even think about hosting such an event in January!
  1. The Mall of America is here to stay. Before this Church of Spendology opened, some friends and I placed bets on how many years MOA it would succeed. We were all wrong. The place appears is clearly thriving and expanding. High 5s to comrade Leif Pettersen—travel writer, blogger, juggler, and happily employed MOA Tourism Communications Manager who worked his butt off and shook 555 hands.
Travel author (and pal) Doug Mack gets his mind blown by Leif Pettersen’s MOA-goggles.

Travel author (and pal) Doug Mack gets his mind blown by Leif Pettersen’s MOA-goggles.

  1. Closing keynote speaker Andrew Zimmern is The Real Deal. This I already knew, as I used to play poker (get it?) with him (thanks to a mutual friend). But the menu of things he’s shuffling these days? Other-worldly. Transformative. Inspiring. Well done, Zim!
Celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern—The Real Deal.

Celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern—The Real Deal.

  1. E-books offer a viable way for us writers to get the word out quickly and affordably. And they keep getting more popular and do-able, according to Linda Aksomitis. There’s already a free one on my site (355 Days, about a one-year sabbatical in the Virgin Islands and Europe). But I’ve got two more drafts to polish up for publishing…if I can just find the time and, uh, stick-to-it-iveness.
  1. Canadians are mighty fun, friendly people—and many were there. Thanks to Jillian Recksiedler and the Travel Manitoba folks for some rollicking opening-night hospitality. And bless forward-thinking Canada for building the profound Canadian Museum of Human Rights. Nice to have such nice neighbors to the north!
  1. Bloggers who obsess about analytics may have it all wrong, assert the good people behind Travel Green Media and Green Global Travel. Better to have an engaged community than countless short-sighted eyeballs.
  1. Video is the new photo; FB and IG are the new photo album; and digital advertising will soon bury TV—according to Sara Meaney of bvk, a super-savvy ad agency based in Milwaukee. Her presentation on curating content your audience craves was packed with powerful info, even it made one worry about the future of the written word.
  1. It’s a good thing Lou Mongello left law. “We are storytellers,” he shouted from all  over the stage as he told some great stories and shared smart tips. Who knew you could ditch the law firm and make a mint as a Disney expert and entrepreneur? Lou! That’s who!
Entertaining entrepreneur Lou Mongello asks the hard questions.

Entertaining entrepreneur Lou Mongello asks the hard questions.

  1. Digital nomads are everywhere all the time. Some of them are even getting paid to wander. Just ask Mike, whose road trip just keeps going and going…
  2. TBEX rocks. My expectations were modest. And one hears mixed reports about such gatherings from our oh-so-worldly tribe. Yet this event was first-class—one of the best (and cheapest) investments around. Their tagline, “The Future of Travel Media” is both ballsy and spot-on.

Stay tuned. And please support your local travel blogger.

But please remember to unplug from your screens and explore the real world too!

WORKFORCE: America’s Fear of Time Off Increases

Posted on: Friday, May 27th, 2016
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle | One comment


If you’re lucky, you have fond memories of getting away on Memorial Day and other holidays—and maybe heading off for a family vacation every now and again. If you’re really lucky, you’re still creating fresh memories. But many people aren’t. The latest numbers on our time-off habits give new meaning to the phrase workforce.

  • As technology advances, free time retreats

A recent Boston Globe story on Americans’ fear of vacation profiles hard-working folks, interviews psychology pros, and basically leaves the reader exhausted enough to beg for a vacation. “I’m the kind of person who sleeps with an iPhone under my ear,” proclaims one entrepreneur. “People are worried about work piling up while they’re away,” explains a leader of Project: Time Off.

  • May you live in interesting times

Unsurprisingly, vacation numbers stayed pretty static until about 2000—when tech tools became workaday-common and people turning into “work martyrs” became equally prevalent. Employee and general dissatisfaction has skyrocketed (just ask Trump and Sanders), while travel pros will tell you vacationers are often more concerned with excellent wifi than comfortable beds.

If you’re still with us (and not tending work emails), choke on these digits, courtesy of Expedia and a host of credible researchers…

500,000: Number of unused vacation days annually in the U.S.A.

$52,400,000: Value of those unused vacation days

47: Average work-week hours per person

6: Number of days it takes to significantly reduce stress levels

61%: Work while on vacation


  • Sabbatical programs also suffering

One of this entrepreneur’s fantastic ideas is sabbatical consulting. Help a company launch a program? I have, but they quit when their numbers go south or a recession hits. Coach travel-craving professionals how to run away for 55 days? Done that. Yet most 5%-ers won’t step off the treadmill (while my vagabond mentors find a way regardless of bucks and buts). Apparently, our DNA has gotten rewired. For work.

Employers still shun the sabbatical, too. According to a recent overview, the number of companies offering long-term breaks has stayed stagnant for years. About 13% offer unpaid extended breaks; about 5% have a paid program. If you check out the various “Best Companies to Work For” lists, the number grows to about 20%.

“Fatigue sets in, rigidity applies, and all creativity and innovation are lost.”

But my formal and informal research finds that, for the most part, it’s a perk that’s rarely employed, yet remains on the list for recruiting and retention purposes. As one friend at a major-league firm with a sabbatical program told me, “I wouldn’t even think of asking HR about it.”

She also suggested I not contact them to help make BreakAways work for everyone. Including the corporation. And their bottom line. “There are stories about people who left for three months and came back to a demotion and a crappy office,” she lamented.

“Fatigue sets in, rigidity applies, and all creativity and innovation are lost.” So states Lotte Bailin, an MIT researcher and author of the book, Breaking the Mold: Redesigning Lives for Productive and Satisfying Lives.

Fatigue? Rigidity? Lost creativity and innovation? That sounds like a burned-out, bummed-out workforce. Vacation won’t kill you. But your job might.

Summer is here, and here’s proof: Happy Memorial Day!

Go make some memories.


RIP Prince—A Reminder To Live Your Dreams

Posted on: Monday, May 2nd, 2016
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle | Leave a comment

The passing of Prince was sad in so many ways. But one sentiment I’ve heard over and over that hits hardest: Regret. One friend shared, “After seeing Purple Rain in 1984, I was so inspired I moved to the Twin Cities to escape my dreary small town life—and see Prince whenever possible. But I never made it to a show.”

That hurts. Because between 1984 and his death, Prince performed hundreds of times in the Twin Cities. There were always excuses to pass on the opportunity—too expensive, too far, “I’m too busy.” But he was available. And in my experience, the investment paid off with a priceless experience and a timeless memory.

Much like BreakAways. And people put them off for the same reasons. But compared to three-month journey, a Prince show provides an example of an attainable and affordable, yet potentially life-changing, event. The lesson remains: Don’t postpone your dreams—or concert desires. Or at some point, it’s too late.

I was lucky; I saw Prince several times—and followed his creativity and career for reasons including inspiration, awe, and curiosity. The loss shocked and digs deep. So I’m still more melancholy than ready to “celebrate” and dance in the streets.

But I’m so grateful that I grabbed the opportunities when they arose. Because there will be no more. May that reminder motivate more yesses to what may be fleeting chances.

  • My Prince Tribute

11 days ago, the sky cried purple rain. I’m still feeling those tears.

I so feared this. Yet here we are. Prince has been a nonstop player on my life’s soundtrack since I first heard his music, thanks to a saucy waitress, while working in a restaurant during college. I was hooked. And have been blessed to have him in the cities, so seeing him early and often was easy. So many memories now flow.

Sitting on a speaker on the stage while he shredded the ceiling with an 11-piece band at Glam Slam. Getting a gentle high 5 from him when took a break right by me just off the stage at Rupert’s; he seemed so tiny, so tired—until he took that stage again. Singing along (on a birthday night out!) while he played several ballads with solo grand piano. Dancing way past midnight with the house lights on and the security agog at Target Center…and then he invited all remaining fans to Paisley Park—where he played until 6 am and ended the evening on the dance floor. Driving through a blizzard to make the Purple Rain show in St. Paul and passing his purple limo while en route. Watching him have a full-on snit at Met Center because the cops had broken up his PP party the night before, “I’ve got a bad attitude tonight, y’all!” Seeing a rarely-shown video of him jamming the blues with a power trio in the upstairs studio of his short-lived Uptown store; I’ve never heard anybody play the blues better.

Nothing compares to Prince.

He embodied life’s mysteries—and was obsessed with God, sex, love, fashion, art, privacy, controversy, control, and, of course, music. He played every instrument. Wrote 1,000s of songs. Mixed and recorded his own material. He cared little about what other people thought. But cared deeply about his fans and his legacy—which is beyond measure. Having him around was one of the best reasons to stay in Minnesota. We never knew what he was going to do next—but couldn’t wait to find out—and he took delight in surprising us. Heck, he shopped LPs at the Electric Fetus and appeared at a PP dance party just a few days before his death…

By fearlessly chasing his visions and passions, he became the most talented rock star that ever lived. Yet he felt more like a friend.

May his courage and creativity live on by inspiring us fans to aim for the same.

I’ll miss him very much.

Why are Danes so Happy?

Posted on: Monday, April 11th, 2016
Posted in: Travelog | Leave a comment

Last month, the United Nations declared Denmark the happiest country of the 156 they surveyed. For the third time. Since 2012. “Happiness” may be a worn-out word and hard-to-measure commodity. But the UN has cred. And for this (admittedly biased) Danish-American and world traveler, Denmark certainly gets my vote.

But why? Press coverage offers good answers and theories every time the country wins. And here are five of mine.

5 reasons why Denmark is the happiest nation

  • Denmark has pride


Danish pride leans toward the subtle and sincere—not the USA!USA!USA! kind of pride screaming through America’s jingoistic masses. Rather, Danes find pride in supporting their businesses, minimizing pollution, keeping things clean, revering tradition, and respecting each other. The feeling is visible and palpable.

  • Denmark celebrates culture


The arts of all kinds are omnipresent in Denmark. The libraries (as in the picture, above) feel more like playrooms. That renowned Danish design is everywhere you look, yet so is visual variety and crazy-different history. From breakfast pastries to stunning museums, from second-hand stores to Copenhagen’s famed shopping district, “distinctly Danish” describes most every detail. You’ll have a hard time finding a McDonald’s, Starbuck’s, or Budweiser.

  • The Danes are open-minded


Danes have little interest in debating lifestyle options that make many religions and politicians pontificate ad nauseum. Their socialist-democratic style of government and individual entitlements ensure that most folks have few worries. And few folks worry about telling others how to live their lives.

Does all this permissiveness make Denmark unsafe? Hardly. During my last three-week visit a few years ago, I saw one cop. He carried no gun. He looked lost.

  • Danes practice “hyggelig”


Hyggelig is hard to explain; it’s more of a feeling—that cozy, warm, comfortable, secure sensation that might happen when you, say, curl up by the fire with your BFF, guitar, cat, and beverage of choice. It has to do with food, family, fun, and enjoying what you have—even if the day may be cold, wet, and gray.

  • Danes value freedom of time


Despite the rumors, Danes are driven, hard-working people—fiercely independent and self-sufficient. That’s how they compete in the world economy and afford their way of life. But they value their free time even moreso—with short work weeks, family leaves, and lifelong education—and generous vacations.

Might a young Dane be encouraged to fill the backpack and take a gap year? Ja! Might a family put careers on hold and sail off to a one-year sabbatical? Ja! Might BreakAways to their pristine natural settings, to neighboring EU nations, or to tour the world be more of an birthright than a faraway fantasy? Ja!

It’s no wonder that the likes of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders find themselves discussing Denmark as an example of how a country can succeed—for everyone, not just the 1%. The world is noticing. So does the UN.

Denmark, you win. I’m happy for you.

Career Breaks: Better When Not Broke

Posted on: Sunday, March 6th, 2016
Posted in: Spendology | Leave a comment


This week, Fast Company released a sobering article for anyone drunk on debt or worried about an economy that’s become a tipsy house of (credit) cards. Stephanie Vozza shares her family’s saga about getting spanked in arrears—and then launching into a bold recovery program and emerging debt-free. Her relief is palpable.

Equally evident is that choking sensation happening to the millions who are deeply underwater.

  • How bad is it?

Some pop shrinks say it’s a bad idea to compare yourself to others. But in this case, please do. If you can’t—because you don’t know your own numbers—you may be in the camp of the clueless and hopeless who are worse off than these “average” folks.

According to Nerdwallet, here are 5 debt amounts of the average American…

~ $15K                       Credit card

~ $26K                       Auto

~ $165K                      Mortgage

~ $47K                       Student loans (for the many who got ‘em)

~ $6+K                       Annual debt service (9% of HHI)

  • Too small to bail

You’ve heard the phrase, “Too big to fail.” That’s about the mega-banks with gazillions; the government tends to regulate them po-lightly and bail them out whenever they “spend” too much. In comparison, the crush of debtors crashing on tapped-out households looks more like a Soprano’s shakedown. Little mercy exists for the chronically strapped or bankrupt.

  • Poor mental wealth

So it’s no wonder that the article lists a litany of disorders and conditions from which the in-debt individual often suffers: stress; anxiety; depression; desperation; obesity; accelerated aging; risky behavior; heart attacks. Can you guess the favored therapy for treating these problems? Yep, spending. Now always one click away.

At some point, most broke folk fall into a what-the-hell downward spiral. What will happen if millions of families run out of get-out-of-debt cards at once? Stay tuned.

  • The trip at the end of the tunnel…

Despite the debt, Americans are traveling—more than ever. Alleluia! Postponing joy rarely helps. And a spring BreakAway investment to sun and sand might inspire the revelation that experiences matter more than materialistic expenditures.

After all, could there be a better reward for getting out of the red and into the black than flying off to the adventure of a lifetime and a future of balanced priorities and checkbooks?

Start with these simple 11 Commandments of Fiscal Fitness. Then calculate all your debt and savings and attempt a realistic strategy to break even. Then go for a walk. Meditate. Call your mom. Ditch the digitalia. And try spending time on things that cost little but mean much.

Multitask Much? 5 Ways to Give Yourself a Break!

Posted on: Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016
Posted in: Unplugging | Leave a comment

Multitasking is a myth. Duh. This we now know for a real, true fact, thanks to an onslaught of studies that inspired a barrage of media. Nonetheless, you can’t step outside of your mudroom without running into people driving while texting (and applying makeup), jogging while phoning (and walking the dog), and boarding the bus while sexting (while listening to Prince).

It’s not just youth. As local columnist Gail Rosenblum recently confessed, “We can bemoan our kids’ insistence on doing homework while wearing earbuds, watching TV, and Snapchatting. But we’re worse.” Rare is the person in this great nation who has not been sucked into this multitasking milieu.

So please remind yourself: It’s a myth. Our brains and attention habits may be gradually changing, but humans still can really only focus on one thing at time.

  • One. Thing. At. A. Time.

MIT neuropsychology professor Earl K. Miller has done massive studies, and concludes, “Multi-tasking, it turns out, is actually not multi-tasking at all. It is doing many similar things, switching back and forth between them.”

Maybe we should redub it hypertasking?

We need to fight back, people. We need to resist our own un-basic instincts that have us believing we’re most productive and impressive when we may really be just frazzled, stressed, and rude. Yes, rude. When did it become okay to duck in and out of conversations because you can’t stop simultaneously playing with your digitalia?

We need a break. We need to do one life-affirming thing at a time, one worthwhile chore at a time, one relaxing pastime at a time. Maybe these things—if pursued mindfully—will help us refocus our brains and realize that the beauty of life still rests in the little things. In the 3D moment. And in rest itself.

So please read these Five Ways to Give Yourself a Break! And try digesting it in one bite, start to finish. If you can’t, worry not. I still love you. Maybe.

  • 1. Meditate


Most anyone who’s been exposed to meditation discovers its value and pledges to make it part of their daily routine. And that promise often lasts about as long as the New Year’s diet. After all, who has time? Who has that 20-40 minutes every day to sit and focus on…nothing? We all do. We all have exactly 1,440 minutes per day. What you do with them is entirely your choice. And may determine your destiny.

  • 2. Fish

Fish? Really? Sure—if you can. On my lake, fisherpeople have become, for me, a symbol for patience, persistence, and silence. If fishing is inconvenient for you, find some equally passive pastime, like doodling, searching for four-leaf clovers, or finding animal shapes in the clouds.


  • 3. Play music


The Mozart effect has confirmed the genius of making music a part of life. Simple attentive listening can increase brain function. But try playing, even if you ain’t Paul McCartney. Pound on that dusty keyboard or pull out that old guitar. You’ll notice a form of focus that feels great. Avoid using the metronome app on your phone.

  • 4. Rest, Yes, Rest

We’re sleep-deprived to the point of health risks—including hypertension, diabetes, and dangerous driving. So sleep. And take naps. Get a hammock. Use the hammock. Put your head down on soft grass, your partner’s belly, and your chaise lounge. Fight with your family over who gets the recliner. Then get another one.


  • 5. Take a break


This site preaches the gospel of Sabbatical. And if you ever get the chance to take, say, three months to sail away to a dream destination, please, please don’t spend that precious experience on the phone, the computer, or hidden away in some media fantasy. Chat up every neighbor; study every sandcastle; taste every vino locale.

Cool. Thanks. You made it. You can go back to multitasking now.

And by the way, good luck with that.

Seven Steps to Prepare for a Long Term Trip

Posted on: Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
Posted in: Blog | Leave a comment

BreakAway is pleased to introduce a talented and budding writer, AJ Earley, who kindly prepared this oh-so helpful post just for us. Enjoy!


Whether you’re just thinking about it, or are completely ready to make your break away, you’re in the right place. If you’ve got any long-term travel plans on the horizon, here are seven steps to make sure they go off without any hitches:

  • Step One: Assess Your Financial Situation

So you’ve decided to take a long-term trip. Unless you have massive amounts of expendable income, finances should be the first thing you consider. How are you going to pay for this trip, and how are you going to stay afloat if you’re not working while you’re away?

Make Money

In the years/months leading up to your trip, you may want to look into auxiliary ways to bring in some extra dough.Whether you have a useful talent you can freelance out, you find some interesting ways to profit off of the internet, or you just start selling your stuff (you’re going to have to downsize soon, anyway,) there are ways to bring in extra money leading up to your trip.

Save and Spend Wisely

You’ve set a goal and you want to reach it, which may mean you have to change your lifestyle a little leading up to your departure date. From making a small adjustment to your thermostat to keeping a change jar, there are lots of ways to save wisely and spend wisely in the time leading up to your vacation.

Cost-Effective Travel

While away, you’ll want to make the best use of the money you do have. There are so many ways to do this, but your best option is to research your destination(s) before hand to find alternative accommodation options, learn the public transportation system, and mine all the free or cheap cultural activities and options offered.

  • Step Two: Assess Your Home Situation

You basically have two options: Keep it or leave it. If you have a mortgage, or just a really great rental that you don’t want to give up, you may want to maintain your residence while away. Otherwise, I’d highly recommend packing and jacking.

If You’re Staying

Make sure your finances and budget are on point from the get-go. You’ll also want to make arrangements to have someone take care of your home/pets well in advance. This is a huge commitment from someone, so be respectful and give your trusted friends and family plenty of time to decide if they want to commit.

If You’re Leaving

While you don’t have to sell everything, it’ll be in your best interest to get rid of as much as you possibly can. Sans family heirlooms and personal artifacts (and that one cast iron skillet that you could swear is magic,) everything is replaceable. Don’t pay to store what’s replaceable, and don’t take up room in someone else’s garage storing things that don’t need to be there. When you do get ready to move, remember that you are also preparing for the trip of a lifetime. Organization will be your best friend.

  • Step Three: Assess Your Work Situation

Whether you have the option of a sabbatical/leave of absence, or you’re just plain splitting, give your employer plenty of notice. Even if you loathe your current job, burning bridges is never a good idea, even if it’s unlikely you’ll never need to tread across them again.

  • Step Four: Consider Your Health and Safety

This is probably something that doesn’t pop into everyone’s mind when they’re planning a trip, but these factors are important, as they can cause huge hiccups if not tended to properly.


Depending on where you travel, you may or may not need to get vaccinations in advance. Some areas have very specific requirements, so do your research well in advance to avoid future problems.

Current Medical Conditions and Medications

If you have a current medical condition, it’s on you to do the research beforehand. Some conditions make it dangerous to be at higher elevations, while others make it nearly impossible to be at sea for long lengths of time. Know you restrictions beforehand. Also, if you are on any medications, don’t surprise your doctor: give him or her plenty of notice that you need an extended supply or a way to access medications where you’re traveling.

Your Immune System

Travel, especially overseas, can often be hard on the immune system, which is bad news, especially considering that some areas have higher risks for certain diseases and infections. Make sure you spend the months before your trip eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce is one of the best sources of immunity-boosting antioxidants, as are things like green tea, fish, and even cinnamon.

  • Step Five: Prepare Your Travel Documents

Whether or not you are leaving the country, it is always a good idea to have an up-to-date passport, and you may also need a travel visa, depending on your destination and how long you’ll be gone.

Your Passport

If you don’t have a current passport, get your application in as soon as possible. Even something as simple as an unpaid speeding ticket can cause months of delay, so get started early. If you think you’re safe, still double-check to make sure your passport won’t expire while you’re still out exploring the globe.

Your Visa

Make sure you look into whether or not you’ll need a travel visa for your particular excursion. Most of the advice out there will say not to apply too early, because visas become valid on the date of issuance, not on your planned date of departure. While this is true, I highly suggest looking into the application process six months to one year in advance to make sure you have all the required documents and meet all of the qualifications.

  • Step Six: Get Your Affairs in Order

When it comes to your bills, your bank account, and your mail, you’ll want to make sure everything is in order before you leave. You may pay all of your bills in advance, or have someone you trust agree to handle them. You’ll also want to have a trusted friend or family member receive your mail while you’re away. If you have any issues with a lost or stolen debit card, or forget to pay a bill, you’ll definitely want a friend back home on your side to help hash things out. Again, it’s common courtesy to ask people well in advance to help you out with this.

  • Step Seven: Hasta La Vista!

Got the jitters yet? Whether you’re nervous or excited, you should take a deep breath and relax, because you are all ready for this life-changing event! Now all you have to worry about is packing wisely and making sure you have all the miscellaneous items most usually don’t think of until they are in desperate need of them.

Happy travels!

AJ Earley is a personal chef, freelance writer, travel junkie, and root beer float enthusiast from Boise, Idaho.

Shhhhh…Don’t Mention St. John

Posted on: Wednesday, January 27th, 2016
Posted in: Travelog | Leave a comment

So I’m at a gathering and someone breaks out a travel trivia book. Live-ability, largest island, crime rate, what have ya. The United States Virgin Islands (USVI) makes the Top 10 crime rate list. But I guess aloud that St. Croix and St. Thomas probably account for that unfortunate distinction. Lovely places, but sh*t goes down.

I haven’t been to the VI in 21 days, but the sun still runs in my veins. That’s a good thing. Because otherwise, these MN winters can, like, make you crazy. I love it here. But the gray season can become an endurance contest. Who will win?

St. John isn’t perfect. But it’s close, as vacation islands go. Of course, you can’t really go wrong when you’ve got an island the size of Manhattan, only 4,000 full-time residents and another 10,000 or so peak season. Nearly 3/4 is national park. The friendlies are local, and the cool are natives. (Reverse that…)

That’s why I’ve been going, when possible, for nearly three decades. One time, I stayed for more than five months. More recently, my family of four stayed a few weeks and then headed south for 69 days of serious island hopping.

The water’s always warm. Roads are mostly twisted, and you drive on the left. (Why? Because everybody else does!) Frogs sing all night. The beaches are mostly public, pristine, and roomy. You can’t go wrong—and may want to add it to your travel bucket list.

But please: Just don’t tell anybody…

Digital Nomads See the World & Get Paid

Posted on: Monday, January 18th, 2016
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle | Leave a comment

Join the digital nomads and me as we conquer the world! Join the digital nomads and me as we conquer the world!

Who needs a self-funded career break or paid sabbatical? We all do! But who goes global and gets paid? Digital nomads—who need only a laptop, a tech-savvy skill, and some seed money to get off the ground and land…most anywhere!

Local journalist Kevyn Burger penned yet another fascinating story for the Star Tribune. If you’re stuck, but your dreams aren’t, read it and reap. Meantime, my highlights…

  • Life may cost less “over there”

Alicia and John Gregoire have been working all over and report that the dollar may stretch much further abroad than at home. I can echo that—with rich memories that include buying wine in Italy for $40 that was fetching $255 here and dwelling in a posh beach house in New Zealand for $80 a day.

  • You may already have (FB) friends all over

The article quotes Lisa Walden of local generation-dynamics consultancy, Bridgeworks: “Today’s worker is more likely to have grown up with friends from different cultures.” She mentions SM, studying abroad, and evermore everyday networking opportunities as tools for the takeoff.

In my experience—some of which was before SM uber-connectivity—people were not only eager to host and help, but also willing to refer travelers to their own friends and family. Thanks to such “travel angels” I have stayed on a sailboat near Oslo, in a marble-clad villa in Tuscany, and in a mansion in Munich.

That fiscal fitness link offers my 2c on funding a BreakAway. But for digital nomads, financial complexities may include how to structure your business, currency complications, and The Taxman (here, there, and everywhere). Need help? Travelpreneur Cliff Highman runs Digital Nomad Accounting. Nice niche!

  • Backpacking and hostel territory optional

Let’s be real: Some of us have graduated from carrying life on your back, stealing food from buffets, and bunking up in crowded dorms. No sweat, say nomads Jeff and Amanda Sauer, whose “hobby” is seeking discounts, affordable destinations, and the miles-and-points game. Forget Paris! I once enjoyed a week at the Ritz Carlton suite in Malaysia for $55/night—with world-class food omnipresent and dirt cheap.

  • Yes, you can bring the family

My vagabonding now goes back decades and has been alone, with a partner, with a wife and kid, and with a wife and two kids. It’s all good—even pulling them out of school. (Is there a better education than seeing the world?) But the best part is watching my kids grow up world-wise, craving adventure, and creating their own travelog.

In my research, the #1, #2, and #3 reasons that people don’t do long term travel are money, money, money. Yes, it makes the world go around. But now, you can become a digital nomad and go around the world—on the earn-as-you-go plan.

The world is ready. Maybe you are too? Bon voyage!