FOTOFRIDAY: Denmark: Flaunting Fierce Independence…Again

Posted on: Friday, March 14th, 2025
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

P1040193.jpegToday’s FotoFriday selection dates back to summer, 2012, from a lovely seaside village. I’ve seen countless wondrous countries, yet few (if any) can compare to Denmark in kindness, cleanliness, community, and pride.

My 50% Danish heritage makes me biased, but Denmark remains a little country that can—and always attracts way more attention than their tiny population of ~6 million might suggest. Now, their autonomous territory, Greenland, is under attack by the Trump administration. Not literally, but…not yet? Denmark’s fierce independence goes back to the the 8thcentury AD. And both peoples knows how to say, “Bug off, Bully!”

Ah, kjaerlig Danmark. Bliv staerk!!!

FOTOFRIDAY: -40°F Winchills (No Big Deal)

Posted on: Friday, January 24th, 2025
Posted in: SoulTrain, Travelog, Unplugging, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

Not my best snow art creation. But when you only have a few minutes until your face freezes, you throw standards to the wind and work fast.

The Content Committee apologizes for two frozen-lake FotoFriday shots in a row. But such is life around here. I insist that spending some time outside every day remains essential to sanity. And the Dark Daze are not so bad; one gets creative. Cleans out closets. Unplugs and seeks a rarified, zenny peace.

As for the “Travelog” label in the categories, that’s the Committee’s sense of humor. See, this Thought Leader ain’t going nowhere warm. (Though I will. Someday.) Even though I have spent entire winters—and longer—away. But things change. So why not enjoy this singular experience while I still can? I won’t live on this beautiful body of water/ice (that’s become part of my soul) forever. Frisbee with Heinies on the beach can wait. Hope I can!

Be. Here. Now.

Keep the faith…

FOTOFRIDAY: May Ice Be with You

Posted on: Friday, January 10th, 2025
Posted in: FOTOFRIDAY | 3 comments

IMG_2052.jpegFish atop frozen water. Skate your troubles away. Snowbirders may say chilly things about our winters, but we here in MN find the cold offers many a way to BreakAway.

BreakAways come in all sizes and climates. While some in MN spend winters escaping indoors (when they’re not dreaming of flocking south), others find mini-BreakAways like ice fishing a soothing way to evade world woes and find some peace. And if they’re lucky, some fish for supper. While not for everyone, the fishers usually look utterly unplugged and relaxed.

FOTOFRIDAY: Christmas, Christmas…Wherefore Art Thou?

Posted on: Friday, December 20th, 2024
Posted in: FOTOFRIDAY | 2 comments

IMG_7438.jpegChristmas in my world shrinks every year, including the present pile, as family passes on or ventures afar. But the memories live on, and a little color and light still help make the dark season bright.

Do you remember sliding down the stairway to see what Santa brought? Feasting all day with mountains of homemade family specialties? Shopping and wrapping for months? Concerts and festivals and parties and gatherings that assured you were exhausted by 12-26 and had 5-10 extra pounds by 12-31?

Many…most?…people do. Even those of different (or no) faith embraced the Christmas spirit, or parts of it—and other faiths have robust year-end rituals and celebrations also.

I’ve had the great luck of spending the holiday season in many countries and locales. IMHO, even those of little faith would be moved by the smiles and songs of Caribbean islands, Mexico, and most any new, unfamiliar culture.

Well, everything changes. And Christmas has been, gradually, for a loooong time. A recent survey that got much media attention found that we should even toss the turkey! Folks would prefer pizza (44%), tacos (38%), burgers (31%), or take-out Chinese (34%). And as for attire, 47% would rather spend the day in their pajamas than dressed up.

As one who cherishes the memories of all relatives gathered and getting along convivially for festivities that went on for days, I’m sad to see the flame fade. But of course, nostalgia gets us nowhere. Most of those people have passed. And research finds that lately the holiday hugging is also scarred by the usual suspects: politics, burnout, commercialism, pressure, isolation, and on and on.

Moreover, religion and traditional rituals in general continue to diminish from most people’s priorities. A preacher from a church nearby recently told me, “You know, we have 13 ELCA Lutheran churches within 7 minutes of here. Long-term, the remaining populations, realistically, could support maybe 2 of them.”

What’s replacing that void in our communities and customs and hearts. Football? Narcissism? Screens? Taylor and Trump?

Sure. Still, I hope everyone finds something to believe in that’s more than all that, bigger than themselves, and brings peace and love to kinfolk and beyond.

In other words, keep the faith.

PS Happy Solstice!

FOTOFRIDAY: Happy Biffy Spiffy Holidays!

Posted on: Friday, December 6th, 2024
Posted in: FOTOFRIDAY | 2 comments

Unexpected delights like a lovely wreath on a frozen porta-potty offer a fitting visual metaphor for the holiday season.

The neighbors’ porta-biffy is def spiffed up for the holidays. This helps us remember that the season, while festive, has ups and downs, sacred and profane, joy and melancholy, merriment and loneliness, and—around here—warm hearts and cold air. My stocking hat goes off to the hardy workers that toil outside ‘round the calendar. To them I say: Stay warm, and keep the faith.

FOTOFRIDAY: A Sunny San Fran Sojourn!

Posted on: Friday, November 8th, 2024
Posted in: Sabbatical Shuffle, Travelog, FOTOFRIDAY | 11 comments

IMG_1400.jpegIs the Golden Gate Bridge the most iconic ever? Probably. And maybe also the most photographed!

Sometimes, we end up going to places because of friends and family (and work). San Fran is great, though I’ve never left my heart there. This time? Maybe so. Visiting my son does that. And, for a change in my many BreakAways there, the sun was shining! Also in Carmel, where I trekked for a wedding. The GGB soars beautifully across the bay…yet is not so easy to photograph. Thanks to my boy’s excellent bike-tour skills, I got this shot, and saw many other cool things too. No wonder SF remains one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations…!…

FOTOFRIDAY: Gosh, I Finally Found Fargo!

Posted on: Friday, October 18th, 2024
Posted in: Travelog, FOTOFRIDAY | One comment


The Bluestem Amphitheater in Moorhead, MN (just across the bridge from Fargo), intoxicates the mind, body, and ears with its stunning design and spot-on sightlines.

Yep, I finally got to Fargo, after all these years of only hearing about it and meeting countless souls from there or thereabouts. Ya sure, it’s a cool enough place, darn clean and rich. I saw a rare Sturgill Simpson show with 3,000 of my best friends—all gosh-darn friendly and happy to be there. Sturgill’s 3-hour set was A+ and the venue was among the best ever.

The next day, on the way home, I realized I’d left my credit card at the Toasted Frog Restaurant before the show. In some locales, that would spur panic. In Fargo, it’s no big deal. I called ‘em, and hey said, “Oh yeah, we’ll just mail it to ya.” In the land of alleged woodchippers, a laid-back vibe and proud honesty was palpable. And of course, my card hit the mailbox in just a few days.

Keep the faith.

FOTOFRIDAY: Sacred Spaces That Forever Soar

Posted on: Friday, August 30th, 2024
Posted in: SoulTrain, Travelog, FOTOFRIDAY | 10 comments

IMG_0341.jpegHey! It’s not easy throwing a catchable friz while taking a competent pic—even for a lifetime photography and frisbee enthusiast!

Do you have special spaces that you visit whenever possible? I do. Sutherland Park is a large water reservoir/park—rather like a water tower but underground—in Sioux City. My friends and I spent 1,000s of hours there as I grew up. We tossed, played music and sang, watched shooting stars, or just gazed at the beautiful, rolling hillsides and sundowns..

I still walk there daily when in town, which has been a lot in recent years as my parents age in place with grace (and lots of bridge).

Daughter Elsa also tosses a mean frisbee, and is always game to hang out at the Park. Nearly 50 years of memories ride on that disc, and in the air, and I throw out some extra gratitude for life, friends, family, and preservation.


Posted on: Friday, August 9th, 2024
Posted in: Rants & Roadkill, Unplugging, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

IMG_0374.jpegWatch out for bees. And A stands for Apple, and they can sting too.

So, it’s been 1.5 months since the last post. I could blame myself, and usually do. But in this case, Apple Computer reeeeallllly messed up. Like, 3 times+. So, after a fast crash—which probably happened because I did something a senior tech advisor told me to do (while others said DON’T!), it took them 3 tries and endless hours of crappy service to get me a $$$$ replacement.

I may tell the story in another post. But I’m not ready yet. Just mad and…trying to catch up and move on. Take care of your tech (as best you can!?!). Good luck with that! And of course…

Keep the faith.

FOTOFRIDAY: A Little Frank Lloyd Wright

Posted on: Friday, May 10th, 2024
Posted in: Travelog, FOTOFRIDAY | Leave a comment

There it is, hiding center-right—one of the most famous houses in the world.

After a light winter—for both weather and travel—I recently escaped to San Fran and Carmel where some parties, friends, and even my son awaited. Yet one of the best reasons to visit Carmel is the ‘Mrs. Clinton Walker House.’ Mr. Wright built it at her request in 1948, aiming to mimic the rocks, sea, and waves, and look like a boat prow setting sail.

Mrs. Walker had requested a house “as durable as the rocks and as transparent as the sea.” The cherry? A Robert Howard mermaid sculpture resting atop the seawall, which was added in 1964. Stunningly beautiful, all of it. Yet the luminous flowers and greenery caught my eye and soothed my winter angst the most.