A stranger buzz-crafting at the beach bar commented to me today, “There’s much better beer at the lobby bar—if you’re tired of this insipid piss!” “So I’ve heard,” I nodded, “That’s on my bucket list for today!” He laughed and slammed his beery hand. “That’s great; I though bucket lists were a lifetime thing!” “Nah,” I advised,
There is only today when on vacation; that ‘lifetime’ stuff can wait.”
Thus we convened the committee of two and, from that spontaneous summit, this list came to life.
Bucket list for today: 11 pretty okay ideas (because ten is never enough)

- Check e-mail just once a day; reply rarely and keep it to one sentence.
- Text only when necessary for kid control or group logistics.
- Avoid digitalia; read books; write in journal.
- Get exercise: Swim, snorkel, paddleboard, kayak, splash, chase kids.

- Meditate, or approximate by hugging a tree or staring at the sea.

- Eat too much, and ignore the scale in the room even if you can convert kilos to pounds.

- Early to bed (exhaustion) and early to rise (the construction that is ubiquitous in paradise).
- Don’t worry about a thing—especially to-do lists left at home and the Bucket List for Today.