The news about 3D becoming commonplace is making the world all agog—and a-goggle. Soon, even mobile digitalia images will jump off the screen.
Nintendo’s handheld 3D game arrives next month. Sharp’s 3D smart phone shows up any day. And 3D home theater systems will soon be de rigeur in every McMansion worth its stucco.
Oh sure, I’m a sucker for 3D movies when at the cine-mall—never mind the unfortunate up-charge. Watching those meatballs fall from the sky (or whatever) boggles the senses. Watching the smile (or sometimes, the scream) from my daughter thrills a dad any old day.
Still, the fuss seems sorta silly.
One can only hope that the digitally addicted will not forget how to admire a sculpture, climb a tree, or explore a new neighborhood.
3D miracles still surround us in reality, too. 24/7.