yourSABBATICAL Rocks the Working World!

Posted on: Wednesday, July 1st, 2009
Posted in: HR FYI, Blog | Leave a comment

Congrats to the mom and daughter power-team of Barbara and Elizabeth Pagano.  They’ve launched yourSABBATICAL to help employers treat their workers to time off—and help those staffers create a valuable experience.  The site offers great references, inspiration, and advice.  (Send a link to YOUR HR supervisor!)  And they’re already generating some momentum and press.
The Paganos practice what they preach.  In fact, their Big Idea came sailing along when they took a 6-month voyage together—a life-changing BreakAway; they never looked back and, in fact, recently won a “Moving into the Future Award.” 
They point out several signs of hope for those of us preaching the Gospel of Sabbatical:
  • Fast-food giant McDonald’s has had a sabbatical program since the 60s. 
  • Last year, 15 of the companies on Fortune’s Best 100 Companies to Work For offered sponsored sabbaticals; this year it’s up to 19. 
  • And finally, this happy stat:  The Families and Work Institute’s 2008 National Study of Employers found that 24% of small businesses and 14% of large companies allow employees to take sabbaticals (paid or unpaid of six months or more).”
I tip my hat to these two savvy women, and hope they can bring life-changing work-life balance improvements to countless companies and their employees. 

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