Obama in Bequia

Posted on: Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
Posted in: Travelog, 3rd Stop: Bequia, Latest Trip | 3 comments

Barack Obama became president of the USA, and the whole world, and Bequia today. There was a Big Party of Americans at a fancy new beach bar with a Big TV, but we missed it (long story). Instead, we ended up in a few neighborhood spots with small TVs, and smaller, but no less enthusiastic crowds. Here are just a few memories…


  • In the bookstore, where there are maybe 3 American magazines (most likely dated November), Obama was on virtually every cover.
  • On the streets, spontaneous cheering was erupting wherever people gather.
  • In the Sailor’s Bar, the owner’s daughter came home from school and watched with wide-eyed curiosity.


  • In Coco’s Place, a handful of salty Yachties were mostly speechless, but leapt often to their feet, wiped many a tear, and became instant soul-mates.
Thanks to Jesper (breakaway kid) for this great photo.)

Thanks to Jesper (breakaway kid) for this great photo.)

  • Coco himself seemed emotionally entranced by the event.


  • An elderly couple, probably expats, sauntered down the street grinning. She held a big bunch of red, white & blue balloons.
  • A young, dressed-up native woman stood on a corner yelling about “Obama!”. When we stopped near her, she stuck her head in our car, said “Where you from?” And gave us big love.
  • “Obama” was the one word clearly heard all day long and the morning after, no matter how unrecognizable the patios or how thick the Creole.

The future is upon us. The hard work has begun. I’m far away from my homeland, but proud to be an American.

3 Responses to “Obama in Bequia”

  1. scott Says:

    amen brother! FINALLY proud to be an American!

  2. kkd Says:

    I have tears once more seeing your pictures & reading about reactions and emotions. Thanks. kk

  3. Not Dead Yet by Kirk Horsted on BreakAway Blog Says:

    […] about ensuring they are aware of the history they are experiencing—like the day Obama was inaugurated and, on the remote island of Bequia (where we were), natives and tourists alike wept and danced in […]

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