Lots of people say they’d like to take a break from work. But precious few do. This site is for the doers and the dreamers. And anyone who’s caught in the work/life jungle and ready to hack a different path.

What’s the Big Idea?

Hi. I’m Kirk Horsted. Welcome to BreakAway–an amalgamation of opinions & ponderings on the provocative topic of Sabbaticals and Career Breaks. I emphatically believe that real people (like you!) can and should take these restorative breaks–and I’ve done a bunch of them myself to test the theory. Click What’s the Big Idea to read moreR

Latest from the BA Blog

FOTOFRIDAY: Denmark: Flaunting Fierce Independence…Again

Posted on: Friday, March 14th, 2025

Today’s FotoFriday selection dates back to summer, 2012, from a lovely seaside village. I’ve seen countless wondrous countries, yet few (if any) can compare to Denmark in kindness, cleanliness, community, and pride. My 50% Danish…


My Jimmy Moment

Photo: Willie Nelson (a friend of Jimmy) & Family, Somerset, WI, 6-23-23 (NOTE: Although ALL the attention lately is on a certain reality star who just became president, our eldest…

FOTOFRIDAY: -40°F Winchills (No Big Deal)

Not my best snow art creation. But when you only have a few minutes until your face freezes, you throw standards to the wind and work fast. The Content Committee…

Sabbatical Shuffle

BITN: GoSolo; NoFun; Moving Out and On

There’s a world beyond the USA. Scroll to the last story to be moved by that idea. BreakAways in the News has a backlog, like so much of the…

BITN: Try New Things TODAY; Barcelona Sez NO!; Travel & CC’s UP!

Bored? Burned-out? Over-booked? Give yourself a daily BreakAway and try something new TODAY! These days, there’s always news about BreakAways. Here are a few that have been grabbing some…