Who do you think we are?

Posted on: Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Posted in: Blog | One comment

P1000431Career Break Secrets, a site by one of the most creative and committed guys in our emerging movement, just posted a revealing peek at those of us who actually do crazy things like breaking away now and then for some serious travel.

In his post, entitled “The Many Faces of Long-term and Career Break Travel,” Jeff Jung introduces the various hosts of the 13 upcoming Meet Plan Go events and ponders what attributes we might share.  His assessment?

Long-term travel is a very specific yet amorphous niche. What I want to convey to you is that the long-term traveler is not one type of person but a diverse group of people all passionate about the potential that long-term travel has to enrich one’s life in a way that no other activity can. That’s not to say that this type of travel is appealing to everyone. But for us, the experiences that we’ve had traveling are part of what defines us.”  

Jeff then goes on to briefly introduce the hosts—what led them to become immersed and obsessed not only with their travel goals, but also helping others realize their dreams–and groups us into a few niches.

You’ll meet “The Enablers” who assist employers and their workers with sabbatical programs.  There’s a “Back to Work Breaker” who travels, then returns to career life.  “20-somethings” who already have stories to tell.  And you’ll meet the “Soloists,” “Duos,”  “Family Breakers” and more.

Before the online world connected us, we may not have had much more than wanderlust in common.  Now, we share a virtual stage–and a desire to reveal the sweet if amorphous secrets (and benefits) of breaking away. 

  • As for yours truly?  Jeff places me in the “Multiple Breakers” category.   I’ll wear the badge with pride! 

Meanwhile, back in reality, today is the first day of school.  I’ve taken on another college teaching gig.  And the fall air and routine has arrived with all the grace of a falling oak branch. 

Multiple breaker?  That sounds good about now—I’d like to earn that badge again—but there’s work to be done.  That includes hosting the MeetPlanGo event that has brought this faraway bunch together. 

Please join us and some fellow escape artists next Tuesday!

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One Response to “Who do you think we are?”

  1. Jeff Says:


    Thanks for including our post on your site. And, thanks for the kind words about what we are trying to do to encourage more people to travel and take their dream trip. All the best. Jeff

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